General Discussion

General DiscussionI was wondering

I was wondering in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    So I'm located in the San Diego area, and play on US West often because the 40ms is very nice vs the 70ms on US East, but I still queue East as well.

    So what I was wondering is if there is anything wrong with the US West server? I ask this because once in a while, the ping for US West is around 100ms - 110ms and US East happenes to stay at a stable 70ms - 72ms, never higher than 72.

    I tested my internet and everything is fine, nothing out of the ordinary.

    So this leads me to believe if something is up with the US West server or not? Because if US West has higher ping than East, and I'm in San Diego (US West) and even my Download region is set to Los Angeles or whatever Pacific Time Zone, how could the East have a better and more stable connection?

    If anyone has any answers to this I would greatly appreciate it. I am so curious, because when I go through a tilt, it always seems to happen AFTER I check my US West ping, after a game in US West, and West has greater ping than East, it always turns into a bad dota day loool and I want to stop that. So for now I am queuing to East to see if that breaks this vicious cycle.

    tl;dr I'm located in Cali, sometimes the US West server has shittier ping than US East and my DL region and location happens to be San Diego, want to know if anyone knows if the US West has issues since my connection is fine and stable when I run a speed test. Thanks a ton! :smile: :happy:

    P.S. I'm stoned af :laugh: :blush: :highfive: