General Discussion

General DiscussionDammit Volvo!!

Dammit Volvo!! in General Discussion

    Make the game 18+!!! No, yet better 21+. Little fragile brains of schoolboys aren't capable of handling the pressure of the game. You made an incredible game - but those kids are making the game intolerable. If u brand it +21, more people will get interested, so don't worry about the commercial aspect of the deed.
    Parents, you're making your retarded children even more retarded just by allowing them to play Dota. They will grow up to social monsters if u don't stop them. Think about it.


      brand it 21+ and game loses half of it's playerbase

      majority of 6k+ are under 21

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        yeah game wasted on entitled millenials, all think the game is about 4 random people from the internet watching them farm for 30 minutes so they can be mommy's special little boy. this is what happens when you give participation trophies in t-ball


          Some pro player who are better than you are below 21 xd lul

          Riguma Borusu

            RTZ and Sumail should be banned from DotA, I agree. I mean, those 20 and 17 year old punks should go play in the mud or some shit, right.

            Also, stop complaining about others if you can't even reach VHS on a smurf, it's painful.

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              Seems like u are the one who cant handle dota


                majority of 6k+ are under 21

                where did u get this from? its not true.

                D the Superior
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                    Lol i had an aneurism from reading this.

                    Vem Comigo

                      lul only US phegs need to be 21 to do any shit,


                        Its not like setting the game 21+ would impact any shit
                        I'm sure you're just fucking pissed of shitty teammates
                        Git gud and mute them

                        Hatsune Miku

                          18+ !!?!!?!? is this game NSFW??

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                              A funny thing happened to me. I couldn't mute one particular schoolboy that always kept shittalking. I could mute others, I press that speaker button next to his goddamn name, but his voice kept coming. Bug?


                                Well, this topic backfired huh.


                                  definitely lmfao


                                    ^This sort of language is unacceptable in any videogame not rated 21+ at the minimum! I'm going to get a bunch of my anti-videogame extremist friends and we are going to riot outside Volvo HQ until they change this!

                                    Seriously though there are just as many over 21 players that act like they're whiny 13-year-olds as there are actual whiny 13-year-olds. Changing the age rating will really not benefit anyone, nor will it stop people under 21 from playing the game (When was the last time an age restriction actually stopped people doing something?)


                                      Announcer will always say HOLY SHIT.
                                      Shit is a bad word. Any game that has that word is +18 so dota Must be +18.


                                        No there shouldn't be an age limit but you players must take an IQ test before being able to play this game. 3 digits IQ or GTFO U'RE RUINING THE GAME FOR EVERYOEN