General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I deal with noobs who rules the lane

How can I deal with noobs who rules the lane in General Discussion
Kill yourself in the name...

    1 top safe me and 2 noobs on hard top. fuck my team is a bunch of noobs isnt helping me on lane to defend the tower not its dead and they go there "btw all the enemy tower are still not destroyed" like a bunch of asshole we will lose that way

    So how can I defend the tower and go safelane and not die?

    Mary Poppins

      If you are with noobs it's because you are a noob. And I'm pretty sure they are toxic like you tho


        its simple. you write in all chat "noob support no help" and proceed to be utterly shat down from your farm, waiting for level 6 to learn shadow dance and max dark pact to farm the jungle asap.


          I'm not going to bother trying to decipher your post. Talk in proper English and I'll consider trying to help you.


            Cause you noobs too

            Kill yourself in the name...

              no nub their noobs that uses op heroes like slark, luna or anything with stun to secure the kill. also this pro mid always goes top tp out stunned

              Kill yourself in the name...

                cant even jukes them valve nerfed the trees fuck it.
