General Discussion

General Discussionhave jungler on your enemy? plant some ward on their jungle

have jungler on your enemy? plant some ward on their jungle in General Discussion

    1k - to 3k bracket mostly pick lc as a jungler then carry the game to gather free rapier in late game.
    Jungling lc is basically a cancer meta

    Every jungler always dangerous in late game. If enemy supp are clever. They will also plant ward around access to the jungle to anticipate ganking... supp may need to buy sentries to deward their jungle

    But if enemy jungle is warded. There are no free gold for jungler. They will dead and feed the ally ganker and it has more impacts in late game...


      Congratulations on figuring out on one of your NS problems
      Now fix other things and you can starting farming those memer points
      Shows how stupid these LC pickers actually are
      It's like they want to win every chess game with the same fucking moves every game


        Also fix your english mate

        Président® Salted Butter

          ORRR you could just pick bounty hunter and make that legion picker wish he didn't pick a jungler like a fucking retard.


            ^Bounty hunter is lc's bane of existence xD


              riki does it way bitchier


                yeah bounty hunter sucks at stalking LC @lvl1, his invisibility drains mana and eventually he runs out.

                Este comentário foi editado

                  jungle lc is still happening in 5k xd


                    As long the 5k supp is warding every access to jungle its okay m8. LC is designed to be a jungler with help from some vision. Only retards will jungling without more vision around access to jungle