General Discussion

General DiscussionTournaments and Names

Tournaments and Names in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    I have always wondered something. In tournaments, or even something big like Ti. Are there restrictions on what you can be named?

    Like, look at my name. Stupid af. But is it passable or would someone in a tournament have to change their name?

    I have always wondered that. I want to see a Ti where someone is named "Inside-out boy vagina " or something of that sort.

    Also, spaces. I never see spaces. Is that a rule? Or do you HAVE to put your team tag before your name? (e.g. A team named '123' has a mid player named '123.screwyounoname'.)

    I have always wondered. :thinking:


      You high?

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Pretty sleepy, so probably.


          yea definitely u cant put that names

          i would name myself ,,fucku2ktrashplebsnormalskillgodie,,

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Hahaha, so if someone made a pro team, and invited "Cock Hungry House Dog" they would have to change their name if they were signing up for an amatuer/pro tournament? lool


              it is strongly recommended not to use that kind of nicknames
              you are free to use spaces, but old players are just not likely to use them. they were not allowed in wc3.
              generally, when you have your own name and are recognized, you rarely change it for cometitive games.
              team tag is not a must at all.


                I guarantee you will be asked to make a more professional name.

                Tons and TONS of qualifier teams (and obviously some make it) use troll/goofy names. Once they actually qualify I guarantee the tournament organizer asked them to change their name to something more appropriate/professional.


                  Sacrifice yourself to lord gaben and you can make that happen

                  pls dont let the celtikkk...

                    So my name isn't allowed? BibleThump

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      what if im offended that you got offended by my name. whose side are sjws going to take

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        I guarantee you will be asked to make a more professional name.
                        Tons and TONS of qualifier teams (and obviously some make it) use troll/goofy names. Once they actually qualify I guarantee the tournament organizer asked them to change their name to something more appropriate/professional.

                        This makes sense. I mean, money is involved after all, so being professional would be important.

                        I was always wondering about this since Ti5 when they had someone named "Big Dick Bandit" in the 10 v 10 game. I always thought that was awesome too lool


                          This is why BigDickLaNm is my hero

                          Johnny Rico

                            In Valve events you name cannot contain any offesinve or sexual term, i think we had ban on teams last qualifier because of this.