General Discussion

General Discussionfuck im so angry my team is so shit every game can someone help me pls

fuck im so angry my team is so shit every game can someone help me pls in General Discussion

    oh.... :3


      Huehue :3


        you're a failed troll, try harder to be authentic


          you think im trolling? you won't think that when i destroy you on mid then you won't think you're so cool


            bruh, u won fite m8


              Cookie rekt this puppan incarnation pks


                cookie thinks he's so cool because 5k and spams arc warden


                  Can we get a mods to lock this forum already? This guy is too egomaniac to be reasoned with and ban this guy if mods are willing to kick this son of a b!@#$

                  Youtuber| TechieSama

                    i need a 2k+ mmr account

                    pls dont let the celtikkk...

                      So... if you win, it's because you carried the game, if you lose, it's because your team sucks? AYYYYY


                        why are u guys saying he is a troll. he is obviously struggling to maintain 4k. and im struggling to find a 25-0 game.


                          this guy haha! you are a typical 3k player, sorry to say buts its true. dont flame others when you are the problem mate.

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            This thread rules loool


                              T H I S P O S T H A S B E E N R A T E D K


                                @5k smurf Hey man, you wonder why your team is " awlays bad " and the ennemy team "always good ". In my opinion you're just acting like the players who shouldn't play this game.
                                Dota is all about teamplay, and i think you're like the players who will flame when a mistake has been done.
                                You think you're better than your team ? Ok let's consider that's the case.
                                You should act as a leader not like Hitler or some shit like that. Being angry , flaming your mates and make them angry is not what a leader should do. If you're better than your team you should be as friendly as possible make yourself trustworthy and they will follow you ( in the case you really are better than them ).
                                I hate disrespectful players just giving an uneasy atmosphere and leading to more mistakes.
                                Dota is a game, we all want to enjoy it so why are we acting like that ?


                                  Dont feed the troll!

                                  pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                    God, I love this show


                                      SMURF DUDE. It's kinda ironic you trash talk to everyone. Much more ironic when you are 4k and Still at Normal Skill Bracket like dafuq?

                                      P.S : You are the only legit potato in this thread.


                                        Alright guys, obviously this was a troll, only smart one was Cookie lol, this troll was super obvious and I can't believe those few people fell for it, didn't expect to get such juicy replies from the forums, you can believe that I was trolling or I wasn't, its up to you but thanks for giving me a laugh.

                                        @魂泥棒- Your replies made me laugh so hard (so thanks)
                                        @Blueflame You too




                                            ure welcome i had fun trashtalking you too

                                            queen's speech
