General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone has free time to do coaching?

Anyone has free time to do coaching? in General Discussion

    Hi i am a 3.6k player willing to listen and improve. But I dont have the money for coaching. Anyone out there to help a bro?


      go out and work daily jobs u can find them everywhere


        i want to get coached also :c


          Ask that spooky midget dagon skeleton pleb

          doc joferlyn simp

            i heard there was a noob ck and pugna spammer here


              yea that guy sucks honestly. fuck him, why would anyone ask for his help.

              Este comentário foi editado
              doc joferlyn simp

                yeah yeah he only offers to create optimal farming patterns for you when you play a pos 1 hero, a luxury hardly every seen in 2k and he helps you carry the game while not stealing farm, even doing as much or the same hero damage as you and ending up with a better gpm. he even lets you learn and tell you what you are doing wrong in your games and gives out replays when he plays the hero you are practicing yourself, in order to let you see how a 5k would think and wreck in normal skill. ye fuck that guy


                  ^ ewwwww what a disgusting excuse of a dota player!

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                      Just do what i do...... play hard carry..... pick this hero.... so good..... follow my skillbuild exactly...... because it works...... easy mmr..... also i vape .....


                        Tbh I can't wait to play with absolute zero
                        He seems like a cool guy


                          nah he's terrible


                            Bsj or ekko from youtube


                              1 hour $15 for 322 coaching