General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge 5k bracket - why so popular.

Pudge 5k bracket - why so popular. in General Discussion

    Hello. I was watching meta tab and there is something not much ppl talk about but worth noticing. It is well known pudge is popular hero regardless his current place in meta, however right now he is picked in 38% of 5k games with awesome winrate of 52%+.

    What happened to him? Why its so good in this meta? Is it just that he is super fun to play or he is currently top roamer?


      He's a great roaming support

      one-man bukakke

        those hooks outta nowhere


          I recently started playing Pudge as well. I just reached 3k though.

          He is super fun to play as roaming support. If you can get early kills, the other team might tilt early.
          I tried using Pudge before but hooks are really hard to land. It is either they increased the hook area or I just got better with hooking.

          Surprisingly, I have 60%+ win rate with him. I know i know. 3k. Still, I'm happy playing with Pudge.


            the universe exposes different things to different people, in my exposure to the hero, he doesnt need any items other than mana and flesh heap keeps him relevant later on. his ultimate synergizes with hook so well especially utalized pinning you in trees or pulling you into hos teamates. often times its kill confirmed and you just cant ward into all the nooks and crannies he gets into. very scary hero, very fun hero. he can disrupt your entire team fight plans with one suprise. to my knowledge the only way to counter it is to never let him get started early on

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              Idk the only pudges I see are dendi fangays who still couldn't get over his TI2 pudge performance, goes mid, asks for 2 tango, then feeds


                people do not remember about dendi at all, i guess
                pudge is just good


                  I like pudka offlane. I roam a lot with it too, just take a couple fast levels first.

                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                    who is dinde?


                      Pudge is fun. And in the right hands can ruin the enemy teams early game