General Discussion

General Discussionhybrid ember

hybrid ember in General Discussion

    i believe i discovered an alternative way of playing him-
    to make him relevant in all stages of the game; in contrast to the typical battlefury/deadlys build.

    i like to think of it as a more exciting puck.

    tangos, two faerie fires, two branch. stout if you think you'll need it.
    go bottle - brown boots - and oblivion staff first!

    4-1-1-1 build
    chains scale the most damage
    while also holding someone up for 3 secs,
    great for assists and you confirm damage with your spell shield.
    get your ult every time you can, then shield.
    sleight of fist lowest priority.

    play passively at first, but get your cs; you brought a lot of regen and your bottle is coming.
    once you have bottle, bully down your enemy into kill range and go for it.
    and thats the plan the rest of the game. hunt heroes.

    you can kill anyone lower ~550hp at lvl 7 by yourself in perfect circumstances.

    at lvl 7 with no items you do 64dmg.
    & you have 410 mana. to use every spell at once cost 390.

    hitting all three flame remnants @ lv.1 = 300 magical.
    lv.4 searing chains = 300 magical + 3 second hold.
    3 seconds of flame guard @ lv.1 = 90 magical.
    lv.1 slight of fist is a base attack of 64+20=84 physical
    + at least 2 right clicks 64+64=128 physical

    reductions: (each point of armor blocks 6dmg. well use 6armor for this example.)
    690 magical - 35% = 448.5 true
    84 physical - 6ar(36) = 48 true
    64 physical - 6ar(36) = 28 true
    64 physical - 6ar(36) = 28 true
    totaling 552.5 true damage.
    and you will not be alone, so the threshold of confirmed kills is higher.

    core items
    veil - armulet - orchid

    gives better regen(13) then the battlefury(6) you're used to,
    while also giving you 51(+31)dmg 120hp. 11armor. 444mp. 61atkspd.
    and you're armed with a silence for that high profile target that could interrupt or swing a fight.
    orrrr prematurely end your flame guard!
    with the potential to advance into bloodthorn crits later!
    & in my experiments, toggling has come useful more often than not.

    late game you will go one of two ways.
    youll be steamrolling your way to the ancient,
    or needing a little more defense.

    skadi fuses nicely with this balance between offense and defense build.
    assault cuirass is good. blocks 60dmg every right click, gives you 30dmg every right click.
    and the attack speed will help your bloodthorn proc, since weve opted out of agility items.
    if your not coming close to dying, buy a desolator bro. +92dmg

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      mom said it's my turn to ...

        Good thing people can see your MMR


          Ohhh fuck man this sounded smart until i checked ur memere

          casual gamer

            i didnt need to check the mmr to see that this was terrible

            do i win or what


              its totally good i promise.

              you just need a team-

              slardar safelane
              important op ultimate.
              key to team physical damage.
              prevents invis pickoff heroes.
              has stun & built in bash.
              just add attackspeed.

              stack stuns with earth shaker support = win lane.

              jakiro rotations
              has attack slows
              aoe stun posibility low cd
              third skill works towers
              optimizes veil.

              enfeeble offlane bane to stunt carry growth

              respectable bans: silencer, disruptor, lifestealer, death prophet, huskar, alchemist

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                and to be fair, i havnt played ranked in 8 months. ive decided to get serious after truely analyzing the game and this week and im 5-1. whos to say it will continue, but i think it will.

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                  First u suggest dogshit ember build, then suggest jakiro offlane and slardar safelane. Halp im losing my shit.



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                        Slardar safelane isn't bad.

                        If you want to be a man fight ember you go phase manta.


                          Fuck boots man buy dagon and then go rapier.

                          casual gamer


                              casual gamer

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                                    Kia Boyz Leader

                                      dafuq did i just read

                                      SUPA HAWT FIRE

                                        That build sucks its not even good at escaping , therefore git gud pls


                                          wtf did I just read


                                            Brown boots into batlefury, and then directly into divine wins games 100% of the time.

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                                              stupid fuck 2000

                                                ^ no it doesnt lol

                                                M U R D E R

                                                  Why not diffusal blade


                                                    Why not radiance?
                                                    He's EMBER spirit after all

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                                                        im tellin yuh gaiz.

                                                        slardar safelane is very good if you stack him with one more stun support.
                                                        i like earthshaker with him.

                                                        bane offlane is good.
                                                        he has pretty high base dmg for cs.
                                                        enfeeble carry and deny.
                                                        benefits heavily off solo exp,
                                                        doesn't rely too much on gold.

                                                        jakiro could literally walk anywhere and be a big help,
                                                        could stack camps and show up for skirmishes on the safe lane.
                                                        harass with his free mana cost E.
                                                        giving slardar help frees up shaker to assist the mid with a stun.
                                                        and with all the other disables, setting up his ult would be izi.

                                                        the only way veil is good on ember is fast and with a team.
                                                        all his spells are begging for this style of play.
                                                        the trendy build has a cheesy exploit selfish feel to it, honestly.
                                                        this build wont win you a game single-handedly 1v9 competitive 6k.
                                                        so that must mean its dog shit.

                                                        idk if you were bein sarcastic or not BWS, but i do like it, with all these disables.
                                                        i didn't wanna say it cause im already treading the waters as it is.

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                                                        Vem Comigo

                                                          earthshaker 2016 lul


                                                            ES deadened hero
                                                            Only reason to pick him is against PL so the game would be an even match between trash vs trash lul


                                                              Lol slardar safelane isnt good cuz his scaling comes only from bash. He gets ruined by evasion, and doesnt pack enough dmg late game to kill the high-armor, ulti purging with manta style agi carries.


                                                                I think u also said bane benefits a lot from xp when all he needs is 6 rlly. He is one of the least farm dependent heroes, and is so good at setting up ganks that to give him solo offlane makes me gag.


                                                                  Also instead of using unreliable armlet toggles to escape, here is a dank suggestion. Skill fire remnant. If ur using default keys it is ur 'R' button.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    why aren't you practicing dota instead of writing those meaningless huge ass posts

                                                                    might reach 1k that way


                                                                      Dont look at my mmr please.


                                                                        Slardar safelane is good, I only see that picked in high 4k games and it almost always works.


                                                                          Lol i am 4k lower than 4k and i know u shudnt look there to see if something is good


                                                                            lmao fuck you all.


                                                                              Plis never play doto again


                                                                                fite me

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                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    please keep your discoveries for yourself.



                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        awe inspiring




                                                                                            "Lol i am 4k lower than 4k and i know u shudnt look there to see if something is good"

                                                                                            If something works vs the top 3% of players it works literally anywhere, even in a 9k average game. Why do such low skill idiots like to talk about stuff that's out of their league?


                                                                                              ^comparing 4k to 9k is like comparing someone brand new to dota to 4k


                                                                                                You're wrong, it's pretty damn obvious that if a 4.7k player can win with slardar safelane, you can do it in any bracket.

                                                                                                Saying the top 3% of players is not a good reference point is just ignorant.

                                                                                                Keep in mind, there's only about 3000 people above 6K mmr.


                                                                                                  By the way genius NS players:


                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    ^At what point did that Slardar really function like a safelane carry, was given much farm priority, or anything real safelane carries want (aside from not being tossed away and actually having somewhat secured farm early on)?

                                                                                                    He never got a farming item, he bought blink and vanguard which an offlane slardar can do, he got a bkb which an offlane slardar would want against their heroes, he got an AC which a farmed offlane slardar would go for, if nobody is building it. He farmed safelane in the beginning, but he didn't really operate like you'd want a safelane carry to. He more so acted as a disabler/initiator/damage amp than a damage source, which, again, you want your safelane carry to be. He had 131 (one hundred thirty one) last hits in the entire 40 minute game, which is piss poor for a safelane carry, but also understandable considering how much fighting was going on (which is also good since the enemy had spectre so it was a good idea to force favorable fights where possible, and try not to let spectre to farm up much).

                                                                                                    I mean, any hero can farm safelane, but not all heroes make good safelane carries (in a particular patch, that is).

                                                                                                    Please try not to use pubs as examples of general rules, because it's possible to pull this kinda shit off even at high MMR and nobody will say that the strategy is actually really viable or good.

                                                                                                    Saying that slardar safelane is good because a 8k guy wins a game that way (due to one game, in total, all with a 700 GPM invoker) is like saying safelane lion works because arteezy played it once in a pub, and got carried by a mid morphling while helping with stuns and having an early aghs blink. That logic is seriously flawed, and as someone who is NOT in ns, you should know that, I've had NS games where I'd pick a support and we'd have bristleback safelane, we'd win the lane pretty heavily but lose afterwards since he can't do shit to proper carries.

                                                                                                    And saying that anything that works above 5k can work anywhere is fucking dumb. The reason some strategies do not work at low MMR is because people are bad (duh). You can't random IO in normal skill and play it at any level of competency, because if you could, you'd never be in NS to begin with. And IO requires both teamwork and competency. A bad PA player will fuck up a bad IO player, and in NS, everyone is bad at both, but being bad at PA is not as punishing as being bad at IO. Once MMR goes high enough (6k+), everyone can just play heroes/positions they are good at, and a bad PA is as bad as a bad IO. Also, you can't ignore that even at 4.7k you will be able to get away with a lot of shit that'd get punished at 6k+, since players are just better at punishing bad gameplay/mechanics/concepts.

                                                                                                    I mean, my last game I pretty much griefed and bought an armlet on lion. "we" still won, and by "we" I really mean tinker. So that means armlet Lion is a proper support build for every MMR bellow 3.2k, because you can win 3.2k like that?

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                                                                                                      Maxing chain first doesn't really make sense, since you could then max sleight of fist, so your opponent is never full hp (that's the most important part !, cause a 4-1-1-1 build cann't harass at all, unless opponent is mele, and it cost all you mana to cast everything anyway), and when maxed, you can do it twice, eventually 3 time when you go on som1 (2-4-0-1 build) and in this case you'll do more damage than the (4111 build) -and it's much safer in mid game, since you can stay far for squirmish-

                                                                                                      Ofc if you try to go a lion (or w/e HEAVY early disable hero -not much of them actually :p-), since he will just lONG disable you and run away, while the chain build still do heavy damage when disabled.

                                                                                                      However, the main problem of those two build, is the fact that ember farm as fast as a snail in winter is moving. (when no shield)

                                                                                                      Edit: your calculation was wrong, magic damage is reduced by 25% not 35% (so you undervalue the damage of your build ^^)

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                                                                                                        Gazorp you're a clueless f**king 3k jesus christ.

                                                                                                        "Please try not to use pubs as examples of general rules, because it's possible to pull this kinda shit off even at high MMR"

                                                                                                        I was never talking about competitive pro matches in the first place, only 4.7 - 8k ranked dota. Did you even read what I said?

                                                                                                        You can go any unconventional hero safelane or whatever you'd like--I've even seen spirit breaker done in high 4k and it worked well. The problem with low mmr players such as yourself is you think things gotta be a certain way "omg he wasn't given farm priority he didn't do what most people do it's not legit!" you're seriously clueless dude, it's almost impossible to even talk to you with how ignorant you are.

                                                                                                        Sure, you can get a blink on slardar in the offlane. Sure, but you don't have to. A safelane slardar gets his levels (and most importantly, 6) fast, gets his items much faster.

                                                                                                        Low mmr players always think there's a way to play dota the "right way", guess what? What matters more is your decision making and how good you are at winning, not your pick. Just because slardar safelane isn't as common as slark doesn't mean slardar safelane is only for clueless scrubs. You're just stupid. Really.