General Discussion

General Discussionladder anxiety

ladder anxiety in General Discussion

    im actually scared to play more solo ranked games since i cant play shittons of games anymore so if i lose i wont be able to get it back after a while

    also ive lost 3k more than thrice already so im not sure if i can get at least 3200

    someone halp

    doc joferlyn simp

      i think you focus too much on the number

      if you drop down to 2.9k you wont suddenly become more dogshit than you were when you were still 3k

      the only important thing is that you gained skill during your climb

      or maybe just chill with the game, go with party q or just try pubs

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        Don't worry that much, as long as you learn something from each loss, it's fine


          My friend actually turned dogshit @_@
          From 4k solo to 2.9k and I'm sure he was way better last year, and alot of my friends also agrees with me
          Pub syndrome much?


            i ppayed yesterday on 2800 avg and had 20 4 and im 4k
            the biggest difference there is they are too slow or afraidto kill they are ingorant and dont know to lasthitcreep (or are lazy)
            just dont be that and u gona ein games


              Mmr is designed so you play with people your level. Its not actually supposed to be a score

              yung griphook

                I experience this as I climb. I look at it like, If i feel nervous as I'm getting "higher" (higher for me not high skill) then that means I don't belong there. So as I play more and more I get more and more comfortable, and know what to expect from the people I play against.


                  Overcome it, you'll meet greater obstacles in life so start getting used to it


                    Sometimes I feel it at certain mmrs . Currently -200 mmr for me so don't matter if I lose a couple.


                      my biggest fear of queing is the draft. i dont even want to play dota when my team picks 4 farm reliant heros with no disables that will not win there lane or have any kill power mid game, not only that, two players will then fight for mid. the whole time not a single message is sent in the chat. ill be damned if i pick the support and have a boring ass time trying to minimize the number of deaths before imonent loss. my only idea on how to win the game is picking brood mother or lone druid, hopefully get a lane to myself for exp and cs and trying to rat my way down to the ancient. personally i thouroughly enjoy the first ten minutes of outplaying and snowballing AS A TEAM down to the ancient.

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                      doc joferlyn simp

                        legit 3 digit mmr advice is legit


                          Actually this 3 digit speaks legit shit
                          Sadly "outplaying as a team" happens only once out of 20 MMR matches
                          You should only rely on yourself in solo MMR anyway


                            What i see here.. mmr for u is to show off perhaps.. u shld afraid ur mmr to drop when u at position like 9k mmr player.

                            30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                              Pick ursa sure win

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Don't let get to you, man.

                                Look at my profile if that helps. A few days ago I had an 8-lose streak. I will not lie, I was pretty pissed. I do not get mad at a loss, but when it happens due to constant afk/greif players, it can get frustrating.

                                I know I am just 3k, but I question how some players get there, because 2.9 is a real struggle and you have to be better than serveral hundred-thousands of players.

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Or thousands I should say lool



                                    youre probably right

                                    i have no irl friend above 3k+, all of them hover around high 1k to mid 2k, and we all started out as high 1kers

                                    im the only 3ker so as much as possible im trying to retain that image, since going back to 2k makes me feel like im at the same level as them

                                    but if i try to retain being a 3ker, i'll be staying here forever and never going higher and i definitely dont want that


                                      don't worry, 3k is bad and full of retards. it can't be hard to climb back up to a bracket that requires a simple amount of skill.


                                        I was 2.4 k around 6 months back and now iam 3.2 k zo it has taken me almost 150 200 games to reach here so if ur good u gonna reach there any how dont worry and trust me if ur playing in sea server remeber its gonna be 1 v 9 and ur 3 k there is really very good just remeber that :)