General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all you normal skilled plebs who make ''how to get vhs'' threads

To all you normal skilled plebs who make ''how to get vhs'' threads in General Discussion

    Reason why im making this thread is because im really annoyed by "how to get vhs" threads it's so cancerous and im pretty sure i am not the only one getting annoyed by it, weeks after weeks looking for actual good topics to join and discuss and all you see is "how to get vhs" will you shits just piss off already? so just take the time and read this entire thing before you make another shit ass thread.
    First of all, i got my smurf from a peenoise. The day i got it, it was 1.7k after a month of playing its 2.4k now and what ive observed throught this entire time is:
    1) All you fuckheads do is blame mid at the end of every game, the mid feeds 0-2 and not a single sign of rotations. Just staying in the lane leeching exp off your carry.
    2) this is for you core picking shits, please know you can't play core for shits if you get bf and treads by min 26 for am or 30 min sabre, echo and dominator as sven or even worst the cancer of them all lc having blink or sb and having below 100 duel points at 30 mins ,yet you blame again when all you do is have free farm for 30 mins.
    3) Weird ass lineups, i literally see idiots go luna or mirana or some really other idiotic pairings offlane both stealing each others farm ignoring the harassments from the other side.
    4) is literally the same as 1. For example i see people picking pa and picking the other teams supports and no one bothers helping until pa is so farmed you end up losing.
    In conclusion, you asswipes who ask "how to get vhs" blame everyone 99.9% of the time, y'all need to stop your delusional blaming learn how to actually do what you're suppose to do at certain times of the game and actually try your ass off to win a game.

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      Everyone outside of NS obviously knows these things
      I'll bump so these dumbnutties realize how fucking shit they are


        Please do, i'd fucking slap them over the internet if it was possible.




            I am also sick with these delusional fucks
            Not to mention those "predoct my memer" threads made by arrogant plebs who get angry and cocky when someone says they will calibrate below 3k


              i actually feel sad for them, that they're so stupidly ignorant to their own situation

              even if you present them evidence, they just try to find excuses why that evidence won't apply to them.

              and no matter how many times you prove their excuse wrong, they find a new one.

              they literally can't accept the fact that they suck and belong in their mmr.

              i mean if they could, they wouldn't even make a new account.


                ^ i actually feel sad for people like Alice, bws and Haffy having to deal with people in 2k when i know they are trying hard to gtfo of the trench, you can do it guys! i was once a 2k scrub as well.


                  ^Those 3 can do it, I know they can, can't say the same for the other ns players who post those retard threads


                    Bump wahahaha


                      last time my friend told that mmr does not represent the skill of x player now he is chilling under his grave like what is so fucking hard just say it loud I SUCK but he tries to make illogical reason why he still NS with shit like omg my team sucks but that should also mean enemy team suck and if u think u are not the god damn problem then how the fuck you cant win personally yes i had games when team is dogshit but still it was 1 out of at least 100 games and i did alot of mistakes

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                        I felt useful after turning some ultra toxic ignorant fuck into a slightly toxic and not so ignorant fuck
                        Guess PMA spreads like a disease


                          what if i know how to get vhs?


                            kinda funny tho when they complain about people, then you check their profile and the people they complain about perfectly describes them XD



                              ^^ if you'd know how to get vhs you wont actually get 2-13 on zeus on ns unranked, so yea you don't.


                                haha fuck i feel you guys


                                  nice thred


                                    M8 you don't
                                    Zeus spamming abuse is dead


                                      zeus spamming isn't dead tbh, it's just a matter of you knowing how to snowball right with him or not. got a sweet winrate on my main and my 4k smurfs.


                                        zeus spamming is fine becuase you dont have to be a genius to play him


                                          me knowing how, and me actually trying to do it would be different things. i picked zeus only for the deward quest lmfao, it was my 2nd time playing him in my life, and roaming support on top of that

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                                          Dr. Banana

                                            Yeah point no. 2 definitely describes me. I can't farm. Today I got 23 last hits at 10 minutes on arc (bot match).

                                            I maybe ns but I've never made those vhs threads and I've sworn never to make those smurf accounts.

                                            Yo guys, how do I farm better?


                                              @Banana you are more than welcome to download my replays if you want to see me playing in 2k perspective.
                                              Even doing quest probly wont affect your kda like Alice said you don't need to be a genius playing zeus to own hard so clearly you don't.

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                                                Last hit with prediction instead of with reflex
                                                Memorize creeps' attack speeds, damage, and projectile speed (not exact amount but you just gotta feel it)
                                                Also get the feeling of the hero's projectile speed, turn rate, AS, and damage too
                                                A lot of my friends said I'm very talented in rhytm games, so I think that's what helped me to last hit better than the average NS player (not that good obviously)


                                                  Everytime in the laning phase my brain just treats it like StepMania or some shit lmao


                                                    Bump, Even if I'm just NS who played shit on HS because he is catch off-guard on the higher challenge level in terms of skill.

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                                                    Dr. Banana

                                                      @Horseman OK, thanks. Is it really OK to get 30-40 last hits at 10 minutes against the standard duo lane? I know the standard is 55-60, sometimes 80 (if somehow you can clear stacks, but you can't really do that with every hero). I guess, the best idea is to practise last hitting in demo mode?


                                                        2/13/33 kda isnt that extremely low anyway, for a losing game. quest might not effect your performance as the hero much, but it sure effects your hero choice and your role in game (whether you mid as zeus and shitstomp, or you play pos 5 and do ur best not to feed when enemy team is stacked with magic resist and extreme pickoff potential).

                                                        tell me that you haven't played antimage pos 5 before.... feels bad doesnt it

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                                                          @Banana try playing against unfair bots for 3 games and look at how you perform, i can go cm against unfair bots and get 800+ gpm.


                                                            do the 600lh/30min in a 1v0 lobby withvthe hero you like, i did it it with AM on my 6th try, ended up with 630ish

                                                            lhing is really more of a laning thing, later on its your farming pattern/decision making that decides if youll get shittons of farm or not


                                                              Even against dual lanes I target myself 50 at least (depends on the hero too ofc, a 30 LH SK who ruined the enemy carry's life is better than a 50 LH impactless one)
                                                              Practicing last hit under towers can also help


                                                                Did you buy blink dagger tho

                                                                Dr. Banana

                                                                  @bws since the enemy offlaners know nothing about equilibrium hitting under tower is becoming a natural skill.


                                                                    during the lh practice? no, i tried to make it as realistic as possible so i still went for the usual AM buildup

                                                                    La Lumière

                                                                      But see guys, people don't understand the many fuckups that live and breathe in NS mmr. The teamwork and or players themselves are actually bad. Don't berate me though. I know I suck balls but I always keep that PMA up to improve.


                                                                        Like Alice said, after you're kinda ok with laning stage, focus on improving your gamesense and decision making
                                                                        Farm doesn't always win games, I remember throwing alot of games because I was too passive


                                                                          Blink on am for a farming challenge lol?

                                                                          P.s if you want to havw pretty much pwrfect patterns, then step up the challwnge fron 600/30min to 800/30 min

                                                                          If you do that then you have pretty much best possible patterns


                                                                            @Alice I went with dagger octarine rapier build and still managed to fail


                                                                              with AM its easy, usually by 10 mins i can get 80-90 (since i still miss a lot due to lack of playtime and practice) and here is what i do:

                                                                              1) get quelling blade/pms asap
                                                                              2)once u get boots you can go for a creepwave, take the small camp, and walk/blink back without missing anything
                                                                              3) after a few more levels you can pull the next creep wave into the nearby large camp if the lane pushes too hard, then get the small camp then go back to lane
                                                                              4) repeat until bfury treads, after that you can push the lane, add the secret shop camp or possible enemy ancient camp + rune + jungle into your rotations

                                                                              idk if you can get away with stacking the small camp <10mins, pretty sure you cant since you'll miss 2 lane creeps (w/c usually give more gold) in exchange for 1 more stack which is slower

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                and here i am planning to grind solo mmr with ck echo-vlads-sb-deso that zer0 taught me ayyy lmaooo wish me luck boiis

                                                                                i hate exploiting my fellow ns players' abysmal map awareness and stinginess regarding gold (cuz yeah 180 for a dust or 200 gold for a sentry is too much innit?) , but a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do


                                                                                  I think there's a video somewhere on my channel where i did some of the challlenges and got 780 in 30 min


                                                                                    @Haffy But you'll be accused of child molestation, are you sure? lmao
                                                                                    the salty tears of 2ks lmaoooooooooooooooo

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                                                                                      Up cause plebs are amoke.

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                                                                                        bump, keep this thread alive


                                                                                          Deso CK pls no :(


                                                                                            Nice training with this cs goal but ...

                                                                                            We all know how AM games look like. Its like my Alch games. Enemies try to dominate u since the beginning.

                                                                                            IMO if u get Min mark x 10 number of cs its more than fine on a ranked game. Eg. 300 cs for 30 min (taking other carries into consideration than AM), while u were under high pressure on your lane and managed to get max 40-50 cs/first 10 min

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                                                                                              Ofc I understand that Lex
                                                                                              Nobody is gonna target himself 600 LH in 30 min on a MMR match lol


                                                                                                I blame you all for not reaching VHS earlier! FUCK YOU

                                                                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                                                  Bump, just got one of those cancerous people in a Ranked Match.


                                                                                                    Bump, goodluck for us getting out from ns trench

                                                                                                    Story Time

                                                                                                      but what to do if my team is around 3k and tend to always get cocky and make me solo supporting and complaining that i do not gang enough or not ward enough (depends on the match they find the reason to complain), and then they have no clue what to pick (like pickinig heros out of meta or just several greedy heros at once) and never listen to me. Should i always play solo then?


                                                                                                        There's always more you can do even as a support
                                                                                                        Just keep polishing your playstyle
                                                                                                        Or just pick bounty hunter mwahahaha