General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the fuck am I depressed for no reason?

Why the fuck am I depressed for no reason? in General Discussion

    Help plz, I'm suffocating inside.

    casual gamer

      go exercise it will release endorphins and u will feel less shitty

      its all the chemicals in ur body. regular exercise, ok diet, and feeling like ur working towards something significant (job/school etc) will significantly improve mood

      peaceminusone ;)

        Hehe goodluck





            you should set an appointment with psychiatrist. No joke. Having depressions for no reason can indicate serious problems with your neurachemic stability (dunno how it's called in english so hope you understand) or maybe some kind of disorder and this may cause you serious problems in future, when you will need focus and bright mind the most.
            Things JDF8 said help also but it has to come from You. Excercise, regular daily routine, having your goals set and working towards those, knowledge that your friends and family would support you if needed are best to avoid depression or to get out of light depression. There are also antidepression pills, but I don't reccomend using them if not needed because they have various side effects.

            Don't underestimate it. The fact that you have posted this on videogame forum is pretty much alarming (why don't you tell a friend, gf/bf or your parents, they should be abble to help you better than random ppl on internet) and I advice you to see a doctor.

            Hope you get better soon. I know how hard it is, when your worst enemy is yourself.



              Did you change your diet? sometimes food can change our moods


                if it has been a while go and see a doctor. Depression is just like any other illness.

                Could it be SAD if you are northern hemisphere?

                Ps ignore the idiots who say 'just get over it' etc

                Good luck amigo

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                    Either that or it is your subconscious projecting inner-guilt that you are a filthy zett spammer :-p


                      dont ever take pills if ur bad mood(depressed etc) like lorazepam bromazepam,
                      bensedin and some anti depressants can be used and are not so hard but antidepp can make u addicted and medicals have hard side effects

                      the best thing u could do is go out on daylight and have fun
                      what age are u btw ?


                        reasons you shouldnt take meds:

                        - given for disorders that aren't fully understood
                        - psychiatry is completely disconnected from the patient's emotional state. psychiatrists are MDs who specialize in mental health. they are not therapists.
                        - they have much lower efficacy rates than we are led to believe and the research submitted to the FDA is regularly falsified and manipulated
                        - obama-care and the practice in general is a legal sham, with perpetrators having committed more serious crimes:
                        - profits pharmaceutical giants (see how they process war veterans with ptsd to get a gist of their ethics)

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                          Kys jk


                            Therapists can't give you prescriptions for antidepresives and such meds, cuz they are no doctors (at least in our country it's restricted like this)
                            You propably live in the usa, so I dunno what the system is there, but in europa it (from my experience) works like this:
                            If you got a disorder diagnosis, you go to psychiatric hospital/asylum where doctors try what medication work the best for yyou and you can go home when your meds don't give you side effects, when you take right amount of meds and only those that you really need. After this you have to go regularly to doctor so he can check if there's any problem and psychotherapist (if you need it).


                              You should always go to a gp first and then they refer you to the specialist (whether psychiatrist/oncologists/ophthalmologist etc)

                              They'll probably offer people drugs rather than therapy though seeing as it is cheaper/easier.


                                do you live in nazi germany or is just socially acceptable where you live to "cure" all the deviants with tranquilizers? @FallFromGrace

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                                  the worst thing people in life can do is goin to a psyhiatrist asking for meds (not rly asking but they surely gona give u )
                                  thats the last thing succesful and happy people do


                                    I neither live in germany neither i think bipolar people or ppl with panic attacks are deviants...

                                    Thing is, depressions (like real depressions, not sadness), bipolarity etc are ilnesses just like cancer or flu are. If there wasn't for me being in sanatorium for few months (having several types of therapia there) and taking meds for half a year, I would have propably just commited suicide despite having everything in my life (money, car, own house, good job, loving girlfriend, supportive and nice family, several good friends). Proudly saying, I'm still here, but if there weren't for doctors who took care of me when chemicals in my brain went crazy I would surely just killed myself.

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                                      @darko there's zero correlation between success and depression. There's a long list of amazing people who suffer from depression at various points in their life.

                                      And of course if you are depressed you are not happy but what a stupid thing to say? That's like saying don't take antibiotics when you have an infection, that's the last thing healthy people do.

                                      Mode adiman
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                                          smart people never got into any antibiotics cause thrley whole life cared about their health physicly or mentally

                                          i do get ur point but theres a big difference from your" successful" people and mine

                                          for u Jimm Carry is a great man ,amazing ,rich ,but he is depressed .
                                          i dont find him successful at all .i find him tragedy


                                            darkos commentary seems more apt to the lone wolf mentality. don't let others completely define what those terms mean to you, otherwise it's a vicious cycle of identifying what you truly value

                                            cheer up op :)

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                                              thats crazy man i hope the meds they gave you were legit and the supportive people around you are more aware of what you're going through now that you got rez'd

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                                                  how come u so smart but normal skill pleb


                                                    yea, I'm okay now, It's not only about meds but about having your mind bright and clean. Sorry if I overreacted on your post but it triggers me, cuz I know that if chosen right, those meds can help. Abusing and misusing them is a issue tho.

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                                                        <- dog has been there. went thru a whole duffle bag of medicinal cookies... lucky there wasnt any chocolate in them.


                                                          Medicinal cookies sounds like something I restocked in neopets


                                                            it was on his own volition that he found and pudge ult'd the food meant for human consumption, but it was bad to leave it out like that

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                                                              Cant be bothered to figure out who you think is successful so here's a list from wiki for you to search yourself


                                                              Tbh hard to be bothered to discuss something with someone who suggests people with diseases/illness is because they have bad attitudes and don't look after themselves.


                                                                are you ill at ease to give a care in the world?

                                                                Dr. Banana

                                                                  [quote]Smart people never got into any antibiotics.

                                                                  Unless they had bacterial infections.
                                                                  And typhoid. Also many other stuff caused by bacteria. Not saying that you need to take antibiotics every time bacteria is involved, but to cure stuff caused by bacteria you'll probably need antibiotics.

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                                                                    Try doing a more healthy lifestyle
                                                                    If shit is still there go to a doctor or a psychiatrist (or whatever the fuck how it is supposed to be spelled) or something


                                                                      OMG this forum is the best community. People giving advise, being kind. How the fuck you can study all of this shit when you play dota?

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        I'm depressed all the time but it's mostly caused by my wife and mmr tanking. So there's that.

                                                                        Kia Boyz Leader

                                                                          play dota with me. lets play?


                                                                            first thing you need to acknowledge is that there is an actual reason, once you find it you can fix it, i can help if you want im pretty dope on psychology.

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                              I'd be 8k if it wasn't for my wife.

                                                                              Vem Comigo

                                                                                Masturbate before sleeping, thats why i sleep like a rock everynight.