General Discussion

General Discussionhow not to fall off late game

how not to fall off late game in General Discussion

    like if i am playing meepo my net worth gain goes downhill if the game passes 30 min

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      End fast
      Better decision making because the longer the game goes the more punishing every mistake is
      Or just farm more efficiently
      Or just pick a hard curry

      casual gamer

        rosh more and kill the raxes


          some heroes are made to farm faster and end faster

          so don't work on surviving in the lategame, work on ending faster.


            was trying hard to break hg also we took down rosh like 3 times still we won the game but my gpm got to 620 this venge and the ac on pa fucked me so hard on team fights es bacame problem when he got his refresher i was afraid and so scared to go in fights so i strarted split pushing and force tp i dont know man i would say this morph carried my ass late game mostly feels like i had 0 game impact pass 35 min feelsbadman

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