General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo.. Meta Abuse !

Meepo.. Meta Abuse ! in General Discussion

    How do you guys deal with meepo in rank ?

    Da Vinci

      Pick Keepo


        We dont

        Super Speed Snail

          Medusa some how my favourite. I dont care if it doesn't effective, but really love seeing the snake bouncing off them.

          People using AoE nukes like earth shaker, magnus, and stuff. Some people sugesting lich+aghs. Some saying warlock rapes meepo.

          Just try stuff, bruh.


            I have seen competent axe and winter wywern players dominate meepos all game but idk I have not played against a good meepo player myself


              Øxn lol

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                oxn dude how did u drop to 3kl

                casual gamer

                  let the meepo player farm and then throw away his huge xp and net worth 10 minutes later lol

                  its like a super alch in that aspect

                  if the meepo is good dota player AND good meepo player ur basically fucked unless you have a direct counter or shut him down hard in first 5-10 mins


                    One of my friends gets at least one rampage a day with meepo his page is full of meepo rampages the hero is so gud honsetly takes a non retard to play tho

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I would say Sven, but I saw Abed play meepo and I have no fucking idea what Sven is gonna do about a hero that farms and peaks so fast in hands of a competent player.


                        Everytime I play against some Meppo, guy owns the game, get at least 1 rampage and when I look at his profile statistics he got like 100 rampages xDDD

                        Este comentário foi editado
                        Président® Salted Butter

                          Winter Wyvern

                          Kia Boyz Leader

                            Winter Wyvern with dagger


                              As soon as the picking phase starts you should always nominate Meepo in ban phase cause a good Meepo is really hard to counter although your hero counters it cause tbh I have a friend in Steam who plays Meepo alot and I see his profile always Rampage stomping Meepo and always win and mostly he finishes it before 40 min mark or 30 min mark of the game a farmed Meepo can destroy all the tier 3 and set rax in less than 2 minutes. I asked him what counters Meepo so bad he said it's Wyvern and Warlock and also a farmed Ember.

                              Optimus Drip

                                Pick techies.

                                ARC WARDEN

                                  pick bounty hunter.
                                  buy sentry, block his camp.
                                  harrass at mid with ur midlaner.
                                  when war track all meepo.

                                  *dont forget get force staff.

                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                  Himas Bayabas

                                    u cant counter a good meepo player .. just saying... !!!


                                      LC aghanim
                                      If it's stupid but it works, then it's not stupid


                                        If meepo died, but the one that got killed isn't the one that got tracked, will it still count as a track kill?
                                        I asked my friend about it when it happened in one of my smurf match and he was also confused lmao