General Discussion

General Discussioni just had a naga outplay me by being so bad i was dumbstruck.

i just had a naga outplay me by being so bad i was dumbstruck. in General Discussion

    he walked into our secret shop completely alone, without teammates (we had wards, we know he is alone) and even when we start attacking him he doesn't micro.

    so at this point im 100% sure he is an illusion just farming our side camp so I don't use chrono. then he pops song and walks away with 10% hp....

    this happens like 3 times this game. during a teamfight he just starts AFK farming creeps so I go hit him to kill the "illusion" since he has radiance. ... turns out it was real.

    im so confused what even happen.

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        seems like someones bad at microing


          or just very bad 260 cs in 37 min wt f


            like wtf is this he is literally just hitting creeps during teamifhgt...


              I'm sure if it's was 2k match he would die because everyone hunts whateverlookslikeahero when they see them lmao


                Look like this guy is just awful at micro. That being said I know Meracle does stuff like this a lot, I think lots of players underestimate the amount of plays you can pull off with illusions. I actually have one of my manta illusions hotkeyed just so I can use it to pull off big plays like this, it works more often than you'd expect.

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                    NORMAL SKILL rofl

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                      Is so fun to confuse people with illusions, i was playing pl, hitting the barracks, the enemy axe buys back, i send my manta illusion back he chases the manta illusion calls and kill with ult, i take racks and tp to other lane.

                      < blank >



                          so u are basically saying that a naga outplayed u with dumbness