General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR CALIBRATING

MMR CALIBRATING in General Discussion
Sir George

    My first calibrating avg is 3.1k then i picked support then i go down. 3k calibrating then i got stuck with cancer team i go down with 2.7k avg. If i play normal game would my mmr avg go up if i perform well in normal games? If not how can i make my calinrating avg higher?

    Decent answer please

    Putins Price Hike

      never pick support to raise mmr.

      Sir George

        How does the calibrating works? More on kda or gpm xpm?


          i had first 2 ranked calibration SK from 4200 to 4500 ben started playing supprts and stayex even tho i lost and feed i even once put in 4700 avg. . so i dont think so ..
          i only think first two games matter alot


            below 3k mmr is more luck dependant ..... i will go semi supp/gank when there are all carry wannabe in my team , still we stand a chance to win rather than 5 man carries ... anyway... fk yea spoiler pick

            Sir George

              Got my mmr dude 2.8k shit hoping for my 3k bu rather i will work hard to earn it


                you suck, you under performed and dropped.


                  it doesnt matter if you play support or carry. i made two new accounts and played only carry on one and only support on the other just to see if i calibrated different. i got the same mmr both times.

                  Sir George

                    Yeah dude. Thanks guys! I will play more to improve