General Discussion

General DiscussionVersatility vs Spamming in Rank

Versatility vs Spamming in Rank in General Discussion
Silver Sable style

    What is the best way to gain MMR Is it being able to play any hero to adapt to any situation or use one hero continuously (best picks/ meta heroes) to be always confident in playing?

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        versatility is a joke

        spam 2-3 heroes


          Just pick your Best Hero, and try Hard XD


            In normal skill Play carries who dont need free farm and always buy dust.


              I see someone spamming 3 heroes and ask my team to ban all the heroes he spams, the ones that don't get banned someone of our players picks, and we got insta +25mmr. Another way would be counter pick and/or trying to tilt the player who doesn't play his signature hero.

              A better advice in terms of hero pool selection would be to play 3 heroes of any role, or at least 6 heroes of the roles you are good with.

              The whole Idea around "spamming some heroes" is based on different performance on every hero in the game, what means that you could play one(or a few heroes) very good and be shit one the rest of the heroes. In numbers that could mean a gap in mmr between your best and your worst heroes.

              For example you could be a 6k mirana and a 2k broodmother and vice versa.
              Also you can perform differently on different roles. It has to do with your personal preferences so I can't give advices on this issue.

              What I would advice you(if you really want to play a lot of heroes) would be picking one role and spamming it. Take the one you are best with and try to play it as often as possible.
              I am playing this way and keep spamming support heroes. The only games I don't play supp is if someone really wants to play support, then I take another role.
              The only reason I keep spamming support is that there is almost never someone who even wants to support while playing on smurfs.


                that only works in low mmr^^

                i dont just have 70%+ winrate with all my best heroes

                but when you play some hero over and over again, you'll know how to perfectly counter him

                i also have a 70% winrate AGAINST all my best heroes

                Silver Sable style

                  thanks for the advise guys. so u guys 1st pick ur best hero? if so then wouldnt that allow the enemy to counter it or u just have to go with what u know best?


                    I didn't even doubt that you would miss the oportunity for the self promotion attempt, Cookie.

                    casual gamer

                      if ur hero is morph/am/storm or something u mark it right away and dont pick until 3-4th pick, at least tahts how i do it

                      half the time if i have to FP i will FP void/ww, i think fping any role but 1-2 is fine


                        yestarday I played against a 7k booster who was spamming Alchemist. If enemy took Alchemist he took Timbersaw.

                        His games looked like

                        and so on

                        20 wins in a row

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                          play ur best heroes when u have chance and play suport when needed

                          STE 8-1-8

                            versatility will make you become a better overall dota player, hero spamming will help you gain mmr and be better with and verses your main heroes.

                            Standin. HellNo

                              Be a Miracle and don't be Badman and AtaackEr


                                versatility will not make you a better overall player, it'll only teach you how to pick heroes( at best)

                                edit, be miracle lmao?

                                he's also a spammer, just that he plays every hero in the midlane role

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                                  If your "versatile" means being jack of all trade, master of none, then I would suggest you to master/spam a few heroes to farm MMR.

                                  If your versatile means being incredibly good at all kind of heroes, then why not?

                                  In my case, I couldn't master all kind of heroes. So I end up spamming a few heroes to reach 5k.


                                    just play windranger for life and you're good


                                      versatility will not make you a better overall player, it'll only teach you how to pick heroes( at best)

                                      now its a real wutface

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                                        Just play invoker for life and you're good


                                          Its really good question, i have been thinking same, a lot of players gain mmr couse have wide hero pool and countering their line up or best players etc....but you mostly find advice from everyone here who said play 3 heroes try hard them ofc its the way how to get mmr but not everyone like to spam few heroes, you experienced player i do bealive you should always try to counter if is there ez counter pick hero for you, gl bro


                                            Stick to one role every game and have 2-3 heroes for that role that you wanna play. Have another 2-3 heroes for a back up role if you're unable to get your first role. Just stick to this.

                                            Dr. Banana

                                              Is spamming lycan good enough. I'm not exactly 'good' at the hero but I'm definitely comfortable with him and now I buy wards whereas in earlier matches I didn't. Is spamming lycan good enough?


                                                Lycan is bad because people deal with split push better now. However if u pick lycan against retards its so funny. Played against a team with no fast highgrounders, or good push, thought they cud out push me as lycan. Lol ez rax while they stood in front of our rax watching. But any smart team wud have tped there soooo...


                                                  My best offlane heroes r void, timber, and slardar. For mid i wud say huskar, sf, and mirana. For supporr just cm and es tho im not gr8 at it. My safe carries r wk, sven, and pl if against ursa or some shit.


                                                    Something like that wud be good.


                                                      As the 2nd best player this world has ever seen said
                                                      "A 4K player who can play many heroes will be better than a 5k player who can only play a few"


                                                        Yea BSJ did say that and it's true. You're a better player if you're good at a wider amount of heroes compared to someone who only knows how to play 2-3 heroes but OP's question was which method is better to up mmr and spamming is more effective to climb.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Spam 3 heroes that have very different counters so if your counter gets picked you can switch, all within the same role (safe, mid, off, support). It's not like for hero spammers a random game where they have to play support is an auto lose, you still know dota and basically what to do.


                                                            Pick anti mage and fuck magic up brah


                                                              u only need 2-3 heroes.

                                                              have 1 hero u pick every game.
                                                              have 1 hero that counters that hero.
                                                              and 1 backup hero.


                                                                You need versatility if you can use that to outdraft/counter enemy draft. Games can be lost entirely on draft no matter the execution.

                                                                You need to master some heroes to consistently deliver and if applicable use those knowledge/skill learned from that hero on other heroes.

                                                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                  Spamming in rank gains you more mmr. Check out my rank matches, I kinda know Phoenix like my left nut and whenever I wanna win this nigga helps me out. SeemsGood


                                                                    spam man, I just keep spamming timber so far so good


                                                                      If you pick a hero you miss out on like 250 gold. Random up and get paid $,_,$


                                                                        i used to play only 5-6 hero in rank ... my mmr from 3.9k drop to 3.1k..
                                                                        then i stopped dota for 2 months and play back recently , raise 300mmr to 3.4k last week , and now struggle win lose 50-50
                                                                        this patch hero is so balanced , not like last time spec/od patch.. just too many spoiler pick and hero wannbe ....