General Discussion

General DiscussionBristleback upside-down

Bristleback upside-down in General Discussion
?.Stock @zzo

    Looking at the meta-trends here in dotabuff, bristle back goes from a 50% win rate below 2k mmr to the worse win rate among all heroes in >5k. He didn't receive any nerf and I guess that items like blade mail and vanguard which are core on him got slightly buffed. But he still appears to be shit in that bracket.

    Assuming that at 5k and more there is a better understanding of the game mechanics, why he is so shitty? I know that the break introduction from silver edge is a huge problem for this hero, but it doesn't seem enough to destroy this hero to me.

    Any ideas?


      Well, silver edge and raindrops, I would say that raindrops have the higher impact here.


        BB needs IO to be good.


          How does Bristle care about raindrops? If anything he benefits from it because of the early mana regen. The truth is that the hero is shit and even when he was picked occasionally by pros he had shit win rate still. And the upside down comes from the fact that people better at the game won't chase a 300 hp bristle at minute 10 with no stuns or good slows. Also are more likely to buy silver edge and harass him out of the lane when he has low levels and is easy to kill. Also early magic sticks and shit.

          Da Vinci

            Now this is a story all about how
            My life got flipped-turned upside down
            And I'd like to take a minute
            Just sit right there
            I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

            casual gamer

              people hit him in the face and dont chase him until they die? idk why else lol

              Full Давай

                io + bb still rekts