General Discussion

General Discussionsniper in ur team 2k-3k is insta lose

sniper in ur team 2k-3k is insta lose in General Discussion

    sniper builds are situational buy i really like mask of madness and phase boots aquila to start with because usually no one has blink yet. and it saved me so many times and kept my hp up with lifesteal so i dont have to go back to fountain after a fight and can farm a bit in jungle or defend an unatended tower from creeps. even tho it got nerfed the movespeed and lifesteal plus damage and attack speed help

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      i just linked you my arc, 2 maelstorms are 4 on him

      that's a lot of maelstorm stacking

      80-95% winrate arc picker :3

      you are so blind to that sniper aren't you, this is too hilarious. im not defending any build, i'm just pointing out that it's not the hero/item but it's the player behind him and that you can actually abuse my argument against lower players.

      but seems like you're too stupid to realize about what i'm talking about

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        stacking maelstorm on sniper might be good later against like some illusion hero maybe get sny first or something?

        it worked for me in 1k games against a pl

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          anyways I know what u mean about them wanna be snipers


            i speak about sniper maelstorm stack, he links me his arc warden & say im the stupid one. Rofl it prooves that high mmr =/= high IQ.
            Arc warden is a very flexible hero in his item builds NOT TO MENTION hes way harder to kill than a sniper , so just fucking kill your self already.


              i speak about ANTIMAGE YASHA stack, he links me his URSA & say im the stupid one. Rofl it prooves that high mmr =/= high IQ.
              URSA is a very flexible hero in his item builds NOT TO MENTION hes way harder to kill than a ANTIMAGE , so just fucking kill your self already.

              you make it too easy

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                "it's the player behind him" i would say its a bit of both, someone like miracle playing sniper even if he goes 4 maelstorm will still play decent & probably win the game. Not a retard 3k sniper who has no idea wtf is going on around him, but if that same retard sniper builded properly he would have higher chance of winning because he'll be tankier thus allowing him more room for mistakes which he will do often because he is a bad player.


                  tl;dr a 7k player in 3k bracket can play sniper with 5 orb of venom & still win the game , thats not the point of the fucking thread.


                    it doesn't matter what build/hero you go for in low mmr

                    the point you don't realise is how easy it is to abuse your argument in real games, i've been trying to get yo uaway from sniper but you're just not getting it

                    here's an actual example; you make a note on how a bad sniper in 3k plays compared to a 9k sniper

                    well obviously, but we can take it further

                    what if we set the standard for every player to be 9k

                    then if we compare every player in your game to a 9k, we'll see tons of mistakes.

                    aka the ones you mention

                    thus we can abuse those mistakes, and forget about the hero. but focus on the mistakes the player makes.

                    tl;dr a 7k player in 3k bracket can play sniper with 5 orb of venom & still win the game , thats not the point of the fucking thread.

                    that is the point, you're so stuck on sniper and maelstorm that you can't accept that point.

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                      inb4 cookie replying with

                      "i would say its a bit of both, someone like miracle playing AM even if he goes 4 maelstorm will still play decent & probably win the game. Not a retard 3k AM who has no idea wtf is going on around him, but if that same retard AM builded properly he would have higher chance of winning because he'll be tankier thus allowing him more room for mistakes which he will do often because he is a bad player."

                      yo retarded motherf*cker i did it for you no need to post it & try to be funny, the thing is you never see an AM going that build , i see snipers stacking maelstorm in my bracket way too often that i needed to make this topic, 5 maelstorm AM is not a thing , 5 maelstorm sniper is actually a common build in low mmr & it need to stop


                        the problem is, you don't need to force your teammates/enemies to play builds they don't want to

                        you're missing the point

                        it's actually good that they make those mistakes.

                        because you can abuse those mistakes your teammates/enemies make in your advantage

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                          if bad players were as game losing as 5 maelstorm sniper then shit nobody will ever win a game in low mmr will he?

                          there are tons of bad players in my bracket including me, but you know what ? they can still be useful because they builded properly following the meta which gives them an edge over their enemies.


                            if bad players were as game losing as 5 maelstorm sniper then shit nobody will ever win a game in low mmr will he?

                            there are tons of bad players in my bracket including me, but you know what ? they can still be useful because they builded properly following the meta which gives them an edge over their enemies.

                            nope, because it's impossible to have a TIE in dota. that's why some people are high mmr, and some are low.

                            those low ones are stuck on the stupid builds/heroes or typing about the stupidity of those builds/heroes, while the higher ones can easily abuse the player stupidity rather than the build/hero behind it.

                            becuase the thing is, if we forget about the build and accept the thing you said that a 7k would win with 6 orb of venom in 3k

                            then we can just reverse engeneer that

                            and say that hte builds don't matter, but only the player skill.

                            so the real question then becomes; WHY WILL A 7K ALWAYS WIN IN 3K WITH ANY ITEMS ON ANY HERO?

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                              this thread went for way too long , so to end it here, if you don't think that stacking maelstorm on sniper is a terrible idea & that im just stupid for pointing out that build then there is no hope on you & your too stubborn about bashing low mmr players as soon as they make a topic because of your inflated ego.


                                it's not about the hero/build

                                you're so godamn blind, i explained to you 100 times and you still don't get it.

                                i'm helpin you over here become a smarter/higher player

                                but you're stuck on 1 argument

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                                  link me more than 1 game where there is an AM stacking 5 battlefury to call it a game losing build & i will stfu


                                    there r plenty of ppl making retarded builds & costing me the game, but i didn't make topics about them because shit happens. But this maelstorm stack phenomenon on sniper happen too often & ppl in my mmr actually think its a good build thats why i made this topic. If i made a topic for everytime someone went for stupid items this forum would get flooded, thats what you need to get in your head, but you can't because you play @5k & you dont experience this kind of stuff


                                      i really dunno dude but i see sniper this game does a decent some HD (2nd in your team 3rd overall) so i dont think that he was the major reason for your lose i mean bounty hunter was KSing the whole game comparing his HD to the number of kills and his build . i just don't know why your hate is focused on sniper.

                                      p.s. i don't want to looks like a dick nor offending you but i think that it is better to consider blink over shadowblade on LC (i bought sb alot and it seems kinda bad vs coordinate teams unless you are slark).


                                        i met snipers with double maelstorm in my games


                                          you know, i started at 1k mmr

                                          i've experianced all that stuff, and instead of basing my knowledge on experiance and emotions

                                          i based it on player behavior, which allowed me to skyrocket from 1k to 5k in a year.

                                          here's what im telling you, forget the hero/items and focus on the players behind them:

                                          it isnt just the snipers making bad builds, every player in low mmr makes a bad build

                                          i've seen 1 in about 50 games where there was 1 person who actually hit their build correctly like a 6k+ would

                                          not just the snipers, but every other hero. and we can use that to our advantage.

                                          sniper multiple maelstorm is an actual functional build, compared to the shit i've seen

                                          not just back in low mmr, but even at 6k+ avg games.

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                                            Popcorn anyone?


                                            Last pick sniper vs bh, riki and zeus (rip shadow blade)
                                            I went like 8-2-3 in the early game and died million times just to cover his ass, i looked into his profile and he got lvl 70ish and still stuck in 2k

                                            U better check the snipers' profile and see their lvl/matches, usually those weird players are people that actually stuck in the bracket.


                                              im stuck in 1k because im just not good enough to get higher. I just cant execute things I think of for some reason I get angry at people for stupid reasons and I tilt hard in games.

                                              but dont hate on sniper its like the best hero ever

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                I hate sniper, that hero is always instaloss when he's on my team, and free win when he's on the other. Seems pretty situational, and as far as the meta goes, he doesn't seem like he'd be good AT ALL in a pro game.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  ^ sniper does a shitton of damage and is free to autoattack freely in a ton of fights with proper positioning and items

                                                  playing against storm can kinda suck but even worse case scenario you can contribute greatly if you play well

                                                  plus hes pretty good with oracle, ww, sd, kunkka which is all the meta supports atm

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    Yup, storm dumpsters him. lol

                                                    I guess he's just better in 5K+ brackets or something (Probably due to better positioning skills and map awareness) cause at 4.5, he's so bad, at least to me anyways.


                                                      @cookie if it was just me being an hypocrite & QQ about my team mate, then why is it im always fucking happy when enemy team pick sniper because hes food? ( especially i play alot of slark , PA , riki etc kind of heroes that eat him for breakfest ) i guess i'll just have to pray that enemy team pick him instead of my team lol

                                                      also about you going to 5k in a year from 1k , was it your first year in dota? & you went to 5k instantly from 1k in just 1 year of playing dota? then my friend gratz. But probably it has to do with age, maybe you're a very young player. My self im 22 & started dota 9 month ago because my old game that i spent almost all my teenage years on declined ( world of warcraft ). i was 3k mmr ( highest mmr is 3.2k )in that game & i played it for 7 years & got all my reflexes on it so its hard to switch games & become that good in both games.


                                                        IMO, Sniper is a situational pick. Yes, boots, aquila, dragon lance, s&y is pretty standard but there is really no set build he *has* to follow. There are tons of different builds that work as long as the player has good map awareness and communicates effectively with his/her teammates.


                                                          i played 1 year casually with my friend, i played like a 0 mmr player. then my friend stopped playing dota and i started tryharding. but back then when he was playing with me, i didn't care about dota at all, i just wanted a fun game for me and my friend. no matter how shit we were XD

                                                          the thing is guetalx , you know 1 bad hero + bad build which you can abuse, not because it's a bad build

                                                          but because you know the powerspikes of that build/hero

                                                          and we can apply this to any hero+build(like i corrected your messages)

                                                          every single hero/build has powerspikes.

                                                          example: crystal maidne is gonna be strong for the first 5 min, then the further the game goes she becomes more useless. when enemies have 5 bkb, her spells are useless completely.

                                                          so in conclusion: you can apply the same method to any hero, with any items(good or bad) and it'll always produce the same results which are dependant on the powerspikes of that hero.

                                                          from that we can also conclude that ''if the build doesn't fit the powerspike, the build is wrong''

                                                          from that we can abuse our teammates/enemies mistakes and we can also make another conclusion

                                                          the most important one, that that player is bad and doesn't know what to do

                                                          meaning we can abuse their incompetence.

                                                          p.s im 18

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                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            i want my sniper to solo offlane though, since there's always bound to be a jungler

                                                            i just pick a snowbally hero that is still great even after only one item and start killing the enemy and returning the gold they got from sniper

                                                            playing like this im most successful with riki and slark. riki needs diffu and he's good to go. slark needs his sb and he's good to go. a few kills later (since positioning in 2k bracket is unheard of and people neglect to buy detection unless its too late) i'm leading the net worth chart and ill just stomp the whole team

                                                            i heard someone call it tactical feed, maybe singsing im not sure



                                                              ...( world of warcraft ). i was 3k mmr ( highest mmr is 3.2k )...

                                                              Judging by your avatar, you played DK. Judging by your most played hero, you played Rogue. That means you suck in World of Warcraft too.


                                                                It's freakin 2k, why don't you stop blaming people who have more impact than you? You did crappy as jungle LC, admit it.

                                                       --why do you deserve to win when you can only go 6 - 9 as a jungler who lost his team all their lanes by being useless?

                                                                You died 9 times. Delusional low mmr players like you are not in reality.


                                                                  some people just don't want to accept that they are dogshit, instead they blame,flame, and make excuses.

                                                                  Espresso yoself.

                                                                    Obvious troll is obvious, nobody is this stubborn no matter the mmr about just 1 hero ruining their games.


                                                                      i semi agree with @Guétàlx-, sometimes, if we get a sniper, they can be horrible, but that probably is because the PLAYER has little map awareness
                                                                      im pretty new to dota and i have tried sniper before, but im always out of position, and i think thats what the problem is with sniper players that are <2k. sniper is NOT an easy hero to play, cuz one little stuff up in ur position and ur gone

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                                                                        Oh u still bought sb on lc?


                                                                          Wow this guy bashing the sniper mael stack and he built an shadow blade over a blink on legion . Blink is so much better on legion than shadow blade .


                                                                            Don't get me wrong, i mean sb is good against....

                                                                            Team that doesn't buy detection, team that loves to spread and goes alone, or its late game where everyone are already six slotted (rare case).

                                                                            But the moment they 5 manning, u basically can't do anything.

                                                                            And desol over bkb against disables umm.... not the best choice.

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                                                                              Here in dotabuff, go to Heroes>Meta and compare Sniper winrate in diferent brackets. Then erase this post.


                                                                                @soultrap : rogue is one of the highest skillcapped classes lmao , you're probably just a pve player that got rekt by rogue ganking you when you slayed dragons innit?

                                                                                yes shadowblade LC because its so easy to abuse that shit in low mmr i won alot of games with it, it was probably bad that game but it wouldn't have been that bad if sniper builded properly , because as i said , we went 10-0 or something in laning stage , we were dominating the game early game then lost itmid to late game cuz sniper had no hp to back up himself from sven cleave dmg


                                                                                  World of Warcraft ended on 2.4.3 patch for me. Everything after that is just lame button-mashing fest for 10 year old kids.

                                                                                  PVE needs more skill than PVP, and Rogue needs no skill at all, once you figure out simple stun sequences. The most bullshit part about Rogues is how they hide in bushes and eat food in stealth and then they jump on you again... Outplayed! LOL!

                                                                                  Luckily for me, I played mostly as a Druid, so no fucks were given about Rogues by me.


                                                                                    when you say hiding in bushed and eat food i conclude that your talking bg or wpvp which is fucking irrelevant in wow pvp , the only relevant bracket is arena 3v3 & comps like RMP require a shit tons of skillcap & communication to execute properly, i agree with you though wow now is just a zerg fest & who pop his one shot maccro first win the match. But i mostly played wow in wotlk & cata days ( late cata was bad too i'll give you that )