General Discussion

General DiscussionSuporting at 5k

Suporting at 5k in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Guys I need a few advices to suporting in that bracket.
    I'm close to 5k right now and a lot of my matches people have 5k even 6k and I want to adapt to that situation.


      Buy wards and upgrade courier

      casual gamer

        smokes are rly good if ur not buying them

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          From the start I usually buy 1 or 2 smokes, because If the carry is in a good situation (Farm / and safe from the offlaner) I start ganking, because I don't want to mess around the carry leeching experience. But I don't feel good enough , at least when I watch pub games from 6k+ I don't feel at the same level.


            ur 4300 where is ur 5k acc i dont see it

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              I don't know dude, but dotabuff is showing the same mmr from a year until now. I actually have 4748.


                go to game set ur mmr in dota (where are comends matches date of first game etc) and it will refresh

                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  Ah, didn't know it. When I came back home, I will change it.


                    Get chicks, wards and make sure the other supp buys sents or you can get the sents and vice versa. Always get a smoke as well. I start off rushing straight towards my pull camp to scout the enemy offlaner and see if he's trying to ward or where he'll place it and then you can deward it immediately or at least force him to put a lane ward or a rune ward because he's denied access to your jungle. After that's done I go and help secure rune or I stay and patrol that area if enough of my team is there to guarantee the rune for my mid. Then I go and zone the offlaner and make sure I stack and pull the big camp at :53. If my carry is having a good time I'll use my smokes to gank the mid, and I usually do more smoke ganks if the ganks are successful. If it's not and it's a really hard kill, I go back to pulling and stacking for my safe lane, or I stack some jungle camps if my team lineup has heroes who can take stacks. I always carry a TP and TP in to help if someone is getting dived and I know that I can save him and/or turn the fight and get kills in return. If you know you're going to die by TPing in without saving your offlane or contributing to anything, then I don't TP and I either go gank somewhere else, pull, or stack camps. That's about it for early game, then I follow my team for mid if they wanna push, or I go ward/scout/deward etc.

                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                      Really thx dude, I always do most of those things. Maybe I need to pay attention on the wards placed by the offlaner. sometimes I forget to see the offlaner inventory. thx for the advice mate.


                        Tank the ranged creep so the offlaner doesent get early lane control, push him out. When the offlaner has to go jungle you can stack the hardcamp and pull it after you tell your carry to push the lane. Get quick level 2, rotate with smokes or just secure runes.

                        I don't play support, but thats what I'd be wanting the support to do.


                          i'll be the odd one out here, don't play it by the book (except the first couple of minutes in the laning phase).

                          be active and set your teammates up, your job is to make them play better!

                          your job isn't to just buy wards/smokes/cur etc. and hope for the best.

                          make sure you try to control the game as much as possible!

                            Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

                              stay afk, leech exp, don't rotate at all, don't buy wards, but get the chick.
                              pick dogshit heroes, don't control runes, don't hit enemy off.
                              tl;dr - do nothing and you will win the game.
                              6k recipe, not joking.