General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I just quit Dota

Should I just quit Dota in General Discussion
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    I hate it when I can only win when I'm on my manic episodes, and when I do, I utterly crush people of most brackets, but most of the time I'm in my regressive state, and I seem to process thoughts much slower and my reaction time degrades a lot to the point that I lose to 2ks on this account I'm using.

    Its really hard to have a psychological burden like this, because it limits your maximum output to a sigbificant degree and ultimately reduces your chance to happiness in life.

    I am literally a retard.


      The difference between good and bad players is not that someone is born to be good or something similar.
      Good players concentrate more on the game, they make less mistakes overall and better decisions during the game.
      If it feels like a burden for you to play dota, I would recommend playing it less or switch to a game that feels easier to play.

      Some people are not into competitive games, and dota still is one and always will be.

      And you guys should seriously lower your usage of the word retard. I know, this is the Internet and it gets reactions, but expanding your vocabulary to describe something can really help you in your everyday life.

      Being literally a retard means that you have a mental disability. I doubt a person with a mental disabilty could reply in this forum, tbh.

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        inb4 scientists baffled by man's ability to

        Livin' Real Good

          I kind of understand what you're saying. You're either saying you have ADD, OR a chemical imbalance in the brain due to low brain productivity. (which directly correlates to the type of life style you're living in most cases)

          You know, I saw you post a picture of your PC set up a few months ago, your desk was a total mess, you had tons of soda cans, junk food, and lots of unhealthy food. So that can kind of gave me the impression that you don't really go out much, possible don't work or go to school, and instead live an unhealthy unproductive life style. (I could be totally wrong, but that's just the impression I got from you, forgive me if I am, you're a cool dude~) (also, I could be thinking of a different person, if so my mistake)

          Basically, in laymen's terms, i'm saying if you don't use your brain, you lose it.

          You need to absorb the world, not just sit in front of the PC screen/in your room, or sleep all day. Even walking outside into a busy street, seeing the cars passing by, seeing the lights change colors, seeing that bomb ass chick walk by, all those little things promote brain activity, cause your mind is processing thousands of things per second consciously and subconsciously.

          Try working out, running, or finding more hobbies, that's the most common way people raise endorphin levels. You'll have more energy, and you'll probably be better at Dota due to being more alert, and maybe you'll finally find that consistency you've been longing for.

          Besides, why would you quit? Monkey King is coming soon nigga.

          Este comentário foi editado

            I find just eating unhealthily can cause people to think so sluggish. Staying at my uncle's eating fried shit everyday gives me headaches and even the people in the house have lots of idiot moments. i'd rather live by myself again cooking my food and have the liberty to choose what to cook, which is mostly fish veggies and lean meat


              Getting fit might be good
              I remember I was wrecking everything in CSGO on DMG rank when I was like 60kg
              Now I'm 80kg ish and I barely even do anything against MGs lmao


                Join the club dogolino.


                  Try to spend more time outside. Exercise. Limit your Dota 2 hours. And, try to find another hobby.


                    Having manic episodes itself is the problem u need to deal with, not how it affects your dota lol. Straighten that shit out. We always gonna do better if we r focused and motivated. But in your case it is not necessarily good if it is part of a disorder. Try to solve the root cause and focus more on doing better when u r feeling normal and not when u r in ur manic state.


                      Or you can just, you know, git gud.

                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                        Most people fails at ranked matches, because they're playing in an automatic mode. They don't really focus on what the team needs. and get mad or demoralized fast. simple as that.

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                          I think you should focus on getting your disorder under control - speaking from my own experience. There are plenty of possibilities for people like us to have a life as common human being - you should consider several months in asylum (that helped me a lot to get my sh!t straight), regular psychotherapistic sessions and of course - medication that works for you.

                          Try to organize your life - starting from daily schedule, having your home cleaned up, taking care of yourself etc. This also helps a LOT to chain your mind so your epizodes are not that drastic(at least it works for me, I always get quickly out of depression if I follow my schedule and go to gym instead of lying in bed and thinking about suicide).

                          Can we have some feedback from you? it would be nice.
                          Good luck dealing with your disorder, I know how it feels when your worst enemy is yourself.


                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                            In my honest opinion, you have to live a good life aside from your dota player life. Bringing balance ( Not OSfrog kind ) to your life will help you be calm, relaxed, open minded. You need to be concentrated to play good games.

                            I'd rather play less than playing a lot just for the sake of playing. Playing mindlessly.

                            Play to learn and get better, by the way. Don't play to win. Nobody cares about MMR. The less you'll care about it and focus on getting better and being more positive, you'll win mmr over time. Dota games are long, and even if you lose only 4 in a row you feel like it's a lot. But when you have 10 win streaks you think that's the way it should be.


                            Some guys in 6-7K have 53% winrate.

                            It just takes time to get better, but focus on what refrains you from being a better player and person first, one thing at a time


                              when i was 2k mmr i was stucked too alot almost year but i wasnt thinking on quiting but was exhausted but i started playing tinker for fun and realised the hero is op in that bracket and 2k are trash and that mastering my tinker i can get out of i did boosted to 3500 then made smurf 3600 boosted to 4200 ,then smurf 4500 and lost couple mmrs ...
                              so my advice: Boost your main as far as u can (master 1 hero) then go make smurf when u cant boost anymore the chances to get more mmr than main is big when smurfing