General Discussion

General DiscussionLP is so shieet

LP is so shieet in General Discussion

    Another my 50 min 1v9 carry attemp failed.
    Waste of time guys you can't win with easy bots in your team

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    casual gamer

      if it makes u feel better ur item build is COMPLETE SHIT LOL

      look at their team and think what u need instead of lotus


        There are no 1vs9 games, son. The games are won by the team that has the better decisions.
        Judging the fact that you are 1k mmr and have a 40% winrate overall, I can rule out the possibilty of you being the player that is playing 1 vs 9.

        Watch some tutorials on how to play the game in all roles and learn.
        Your worst enemie isn't even your ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. You are not locked up in a low mmr, you are the one with the low mmr and the way to get out of it is to learn how to play the game.


          Hey weeb vhs scrub look at the game before talking don't give me that retarded "you belong in NS xdd]

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            JD which items should I have bought?
            I completely rekt kids with this build in that match

            M U R D E R

              There are no 1vs9 games, son. The games are won by the team that has the better decisions.

              by that logic, you could have 50% or less winrate in 1k as a 5k mmr guy, because you can always get people who don't even want to win and refuse to play as a team. that is just not very true, with meepo or other heavy push uber carries you can 1v9.

              casual gamer

                bee kay bee

                casual gamer

                  maybe silver edge considering how low skill ur enemies are, even against zeus


                    SB luna
                    Octarine agh ogre (rip space)
                    Tripple null aghanim OD


                      ^ Some weird ass logic right there.
                      If you have a 5k guy among 1k player, you obviously have one who is better then the rest of the players(if we assume that everyone else is 1k).
                      If people don't want to win then you can have a chance of 9 people who want to lose the game, 100% of players of one team can be feeders/gamedestroyers and only 80% of the other are potential feeders/gamedestroyers. I would say that the average 5k player who would be put in 1k would have a average winrate of 55-65%. There is a possiblity not to endure the pressure of being linked with player who play that bad, tilt because of a possible losing streak or real life stress that can harm his performances.

                      You have to understand that we are talking about 1k vs 5k players here, and the difference between those 2 is huge. 1k players mostly don't know the basics of the game, they run away from you when the suddenly drop more then 20% of their health and don't know basic trade off's, won't harras you out of the lane, won't ward, react to smokes, nothing.

                      casual gamer

                        ^ yeah no im pretty sure i could get 90-95% winrate at least. look at this cuck, win win win win win win win win win. its not that hard playing mid because i will get my items way earlier and from there it is child's play to snowball, especially against people who often have brain lag or buy shit like drums/aghs instead of ghost force glimmer

                        and god forbid you know how to play meepo lol. shit would be even more ridiculously easy

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                          Obviously If you are a meepo/Invo hard spammer in 5k+ or a strong mid player you would have at least 80% winrate.
                          Problem is Im neither 5k or a mid player and I don't claim to be a vhs player or anything but Im better than most of the people in my bracket but gaben plans it all to make me lose and It's so obvious really tilts me
                          Sometimes I want my team to go afk so I can win but no they want to feed all game

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                          Pale Mannie

                            Complaining about low prio L U L


                              How about a bkb instead of a usless Lotus? and also dont cry about lp there is a reason you are in lp and according to waht you ve commented on this thread so far I can cleary see why.