General Discussion

General Discussionis it worth buying compendium profit wise?

is it worth buying compendium profit wise? in General Discussion

    just like the last compendium that there are shit tons of items you can sell to profit. i didnt do that because im dumb

    yung griphook

      depends on what you get in the treasures. If its a rare, like the golden version of something, then easily. But otherwise probably not, because everyone who gets the compendium will have it


        The trading card packs were like 70 cents so that's that's 7$ of your 10$ already if you quickly sold them

        Himas Bayabas

          if vaLVE wil add the MMR thing on that battle pass Im sure so many players will buy that battle pass :D


            4th.... Nailed it kids
            It makes your profile look beautiful so yep


              its 2 packs of lucky strike cheap and worth


                It is not as always.

                M U R D E R

                  i spent 10eu on the previous compedium, got some immortals couriers and shit, on top of that 3 treasures that sell for 3eu each. so it ended up equal i guess.

                  lm ao

                    Profit wise? No.

                    If the only way to have positive net profit is by dropping rares, then why would you think of buying the compendium as a profit scheme when you literally have an 8.25% of gaining a semi-ideal return of investment, versus the remaining percentage of having none to negative net profit? C'mon, you can't fool a millionaire.

                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                      I hate battle pass and compendium because solo queue becomes shit because so many people are trying to complete the quests during ranked matches, so they pick shitty heroes, don't push or take objetives because they need to get "5 runes more" or something like that. even in lower 5k+ and higher 4k happens this.

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        If your main intention is profit then i guess yes it is, selling all treasures alone get you double (or triple?) the money you spent.

                        Dire Wolf

                          you have to sell everything on 3rd party sites though right? Dota seems to not like you selling much in game anymore. But comon dude $8 is nothing, that's like my lunch money.


                            Ye as some said if u dont get rares it's 100% not worth it especially now that it's not ti comp