General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm in high skill bracket but I'm climbed up to vhs in calibration.

I'm in high skill bracket but I'm climbed up to vhs in calibration. in General Discussion
Im so Cute

    My team said that I'm so fucking good in support and carry..

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      also general hohoHaHAA thread.

      Do I deserve flame for building midas on him?

      casual gamer

        midas has synergy with his ability to defend high ground forever but i think theres better items tbh

        usually i feel like i need lance/pike/shadow blade way more than i want to slightly increase farm/xp speed, even then i would probably get an hotd and stack because sniper is one of the best heroes for wolf aura (the wolf doesnt die as much)


          this is literally the first time i see this.

          usually it's the opposite ''I'M IN VERY HIGH SKILL BRACKET BUT I'M DROPPING DOWN TO 1K IN CALIBRATION, wtf volvo"

          anyways, gj op.