General Discussion

General DiscussionHelpppp

Helpppp in General Discussion

    Help i wanna stop playing dota..i need to get my sht together and do more important things with my life...sigh


      Uninstall dota. Throw your pc into a nearby river.


        Lol you think theres any stuff more Important than dota? Wow you must be sick.

        doc joferlyn simp

          try to be in a situation where you are actually forced to stop playing dota 2

          i learned that while contemplating about myself during weekends

          i tried to stop playing dota 2 by distracting myself with sports, but i found it hassling because i play basketball and i dont have friends to play with (3 sisters only boi lmao) everyday if there's no class. cycling is too boring for me, for some reason i dont like just going around doing basically nothing. tried reading but nothing catches my attention anymore, i read a lot before but now shit got boring

          so when school came back and we had lots and i mean lots of shit to do for everyone, even more so on myself because i am the president. i wanted to go play dota 2 at the end of each day but stuff is just too time-consuming for me that i dont find time in my schedule for it anymore

          a few days of the same hectic schedule (everything ends tomorrow) and i dont feel the urge to play anymore. yeah i want still play the game for fun. what's funny tho is that i started playing for my friends, tried to get better (climbed 1000 MMR, still shit), got a little bit better, now i just wanna revert back to the "play for the lolz" type of games my friends and i had

          anyways you just need to have something you love more than dota 2, or try to immerse yourself in hobbies like knitting, gardening or some shit and learn to love it


            Uninstalling is pointless-you're only a click away from reinstalling...

            Maybe reward yourself with games like tidy the house then you get a game if you aren't strong willed enough not to make the choice otherwise.


              Grow some balls and just quit?


                Yeah cos that's all people need to quit smoking/heroin/sugar etc.

                You probably tell depressed people to just cheer up and it's all in their mind :-)


                  same. seize the means of production.


                    The only thing you need to do is to remove your connection to the internet, the rest is actually pretty easy. Or simply turn of your PC.
                    Sucks if you have work to do on the PC tho.

                    5TH POST

                      Your just tilted and you realized doto is not for noob.

                      5TH POST

                        Your smurf fails you again to get vhs dream doto. Oh man. Just buy 4-5k mmr acct and enjoy feeding till you drop to 2k😂