General Discussion

General DiscussionForever 4.2-4.3 mmr need help

Forever 4.2-4.3 mmr need help in General Discussion

    Lately I would have winning streaks, then losing streaks, and recently win-lose-win-lose, And i know some of the games that I played, I lost the game for my team. Do you guys have any advice that might help me raise my mmr higher? Should i just spam 1 role 1 hero or be versatile and pick for the team.

    casual gamer

      spam 1-2 roles and only a few heroes

      casual gamer

        from 4700 to 5.1 i spammed morph void drow WW antimage, 3 roles (5,3,1) 5 heroes


          ^thnx for the advice, Ill be spamming timber,void,drow,jug,vs,disrupt


            create a smurf and go through the all hero challenge twice(play the hero until you win).
            when you come out of it start the all hero challenge at this account(just once).
            After that your mmr should automatically improve for like 400-700.

            I have seen a lot of players spam certain roles in the game and they are even doing some mistakes while spamming, I fixed them on myself by playing every role in the game as in playing all heroes.

            By now I got the all hero challenge through for like 5 times in dota 2 and about 3-4 times in dota 1.

            The only shitty thing is that I started playing dota 2 on this account and it happens to be my lowest mmr account but also the only one I can add people on(since it is an old account) and I don't plan on paying money for smurfs :(


              @dragy, I understand what your saying, by doing that it would help me understand all the heroes strengths and weaknesses and be more versatile in the process. thnx for the advice


                Yes, that would be one of the reasons, but not the core one. The 2 additional all hero challenges are just there to make sure that you don't get lucky wins.

                The core reason is to find the hero and/or role that fits you most. You might love playing lone druid and not even know it for example.


                  Same for me renshin I keep going between 4306 and 4250 . I am having trouble deciding wich role I should play at this mmr . In lower mmr it was simple choice play carry . I am most comfortable with position 1,3,and 4 bit been forced to play a decent amount of position 5 lately I am not that good at position 5 although I don't think I have to want to watch videos to get better at it because I don't want to be a position 5 main . I guess if I ever get desperate enough for 5k I should get better at position 5 . Also at this mmr if I play carry I tend to fight a lot and overall just try not to make dumb decisions which helps my team because sometimes you get carrys that just throw away there net worth doing dumb stuff how ever I know I won't be out farming the enemy carry being objective and team oreintated so unsure whether I can raise with this style of fighting carry to 5k I think I remember fear playing that style of carry in ti5 though .


                  First game playing carry in a awhile was rusty with last hitting a bit and had some early lag spikes but I think it kind of illustrates what I am talking about in that I didn't throw away my net worth but I didn't do anything spectacular to carry game either trying to be a team player type carry . i think I maybe better off playing position 3or 4 at this mmr though especially 4 since it's the most flexible position as far as roaming goes .


                    @Filthy, I believe we have same playstyles, If i ever go carry, team would always say i should just farm and split p, but I would just instinctively fight with them, sacrificing last hits and farm, which is why i go for drow or jug,
                    An aggressive play style, which is best suited in my opinion for mid or offlane.(play makers) Also position 4 is definitely a role I want to master, specifically towards roaming supports.

                    A strong roamer like riki or pudge can win the game especially if your roams are successful. Position 5 is ok I guess, but it's just not for me. but like what JDF8 said, Ill try to master/spam 1-2 roles with few heroes,
                    Anyways good luck on our mmr grind haha


                      i smurfed 4450 then litle up then down to 4200 and im stucked too ,seems i dont deserve what im doing is playing beastmaster.
                      i only pick him versus melle carry (dual offlane if possible )
                      and push as hard as i can with aura and boar and get like 8-11 min vladimir then again push then get travels and push push where i can 8i usually skip some early fightrs but take t 1 t 2 towers . and its going good for now.
                      try u too ...Morph Od Beast Drow they are best allies to have one of them or 2 3


                        4200-4300 is retarded most toxic mmr ever.. most imporant don`t fight over picks pick what team needs and bring moral cus 4300 easy give up and feed just spamm dont give up play good with good picks and its like 80% win rate fast.. 4300 are awful at skill is very easy to outplay just mental thing.


                          @playmaker yah man, I should try adding beast to my hero pool(if it fits the draft or need a hard single target disable), vlads necro, with drow in your team will be an ez 20+min game. The hard part is coordinating the pushes with the your team since some ppl afk jungle with drow which tilts me, but ty for the advice.
                          @Motivating, yup 100%, just have to keep a pma and tryhard

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            -go pick an offlaner which can pressure their carry well
                            -or go pick support and pressure mid
                            - most 4ks know how to snowball properly thats why it can guarantee your win (i know toxic shit in 4k)
                            -securing a better early game can help you win EXCEPT if they outdrafted you and you lose midgame
                            -also pick only a small chunk of heroes you are comfortable with
                            -calculated aggression- how to be aggressive at the same time not being punished


                              yers 4200 4300 is mentaly retarded players but im not one of them i dont tilt when i do good and my team sucks or my hard carry.
                              i dont play hard carry(even tho im carry midd player)i changed to offlan because no one want offlane in 4200 and i like it.
                              i go beast only vs melle carry.i get headdress soun basi and auras and proceed to push lane and lane is gone at maybe 9 min when iget vladimir and mostly suports leave and give up and carry go jungle or midd fights etc and i just aside quiet farm and fast push i dont take axe before i max boar and aura (i max aura first right after boar). andwhen i get aura4 lvl its like 8 min game 9 min game i constant see where to push carry tp if they fight 1 min midd i just stay bot and clear t 2 aswell or damage her hard or use their fort and go back then again i go get mana again i go top or bot (cause mostly midd is the place for early fights) and again push while they dont even notice and fight midd and later when they fiinish fight they realise they lost 400 gold tower and i get my travels. and so on


                                but plying sometimes with ur team in fights for example
                                with drow morph and best with OD
                                cause in fights OD hits like a beast and Morph too and ur stun is so good (i usually stun aside heroes like zeus or somee suport dis aa in the midle of fight before they drop magics and while they stunned drow Od with beast atack speed allrdy killed some heroes ..
                                after vladimir i go PIPE(IF NEEDED BUT MOSTLY U WILL NEED).
                                the next item after vlad traels and pipe is FUCKING CURIaSS.the next fight u win and have chance to push racks its gg for sure u will clear 2 sides with 20 seconds max.


                                  I was 3.8 then i play offlane a lot. Like DS, pitlord, and necro then i got 4.2. But i lost a lot in party rank. Try to pick hero that your team need.


                                    just wait next op hero man...
                                    i wait monkey king for ez mmr