General Discussion

General DiscussionDrop FPS problem.

Drop FPS problem. in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    A friend of mine has a problem with fps, Dota is constantly working at 20-27 fps.
    It used to work fine, he re-installed Steam and DotA and also his drivers are updated.

    Pc specs: AMD HD radeon 6700, Ram 8gb , Intel I5 3.1 ghz.

    Anyone knows how to fix it?

      I have the same problem, sometimes dota simply drops to around 25 FPS. I believe this has to do with the optimisation of the game...

      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

        he has the same problem for like 6 months.


          i had crazy fps drops-stuttering every minute or so, while i run around 150fps.
          i fixed it by putting it to exclusively full screen!! border less windowed causes some problems for me


            The true answur isis: git gud sohn! Git da 2000 euro monster pc and you can only plaey daota! It worth is much gud!

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