General Discussion

General DiscussionBot match improvement?

Bot match improvement? in General Discussion

    Right now insane bots feel like sub 1k players, it would be awesome if bots can simulate players around certain mmr range.

    Riguma Borusu

      insane bots = cheaters who have no idea how to play the game


        They seem easier than that.


          Well, you know... meta is consistently changing so taking all things into consideration would propably take more resources than Volvo is willing to spend for a single player mode of multiplayer game.

          Although I agree that some improvement would be nice, I play bot matches a lot since I find myself commonly in a situation where I have some free time with need of several breaks for phone calls and sometimes I may be requied at work and don't want to ruin match to other people (and get low prio). So my doto life turned basicaly into watching pro matches with good cast, some bot matches and several matches once in a month with friends on in house lan party.

          If you want your bot matches to be harder, don't abuse any exploit (and there are many of them) and act like you are playing regular match... helps a little :-)


            insane bots really aren't even close to humans, the only thing that is insane about them is how bad they are.


              Basically you're playing with 4 feeding retards against 5 retards


                i lose a mid as invoker on easy bot.... omg my 75 match is a lie...


                  I think the only good bot to practice mid Agaibs is. Viper


                    Semi relevant query. If you don't connect to the internet for more than a month, does dota stop working?

                    Johnny Rico

                      They play the same, the only thing is the reaction time, unfair bots can chain stun you with no mistaker, hard bots give you a windons for you to escape etc.