General Discussion

General Discussionalchemist

alchemist in General Discussion

    Guys im actually not comfort when using rad, octa, manta build. Im always using mjoll, silver edge, desol, armlet and linken but my teammate alwyas mock me like u stupid slow brain but actually im carried them, so what do u think about that build ??? Is it really stupid?


      Build whatever u like if u win games with it bro. Then try the standard build and see if u win more with it.

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          Actually i got more win with using my own build but u know is it really not comfortable to play when u get mocked with ur own teammate


            your build is better for uncoordinated teams where high ground siege = running at the enemy. octarine manta is for chip damage where you team is actually patient enough to reset and reposition the siege.


              I just looked at your last alch game and the stats on it are very wacky for both teams what a odd looking game if I ever saw one .


                That everything can work video cracked me up way to much guess I am a true dota nerd .


                  Ahahah well the last game i need to afk and use share unit control but thanks


                    The only Problem i see with your alch build, is that you always miss quite some cs, your max. cs are like 5/min considering with a radi octa Manta where you can get 10+ / min easily, wich means faster 6 Slot and faster full aghs for the team

                    casual gamer

                      you can get 10+ with a non rad manta build and way fucking more than 10 with a manta build rofl

                      casual gamer


                        im trash alch and it shows but this is probably 13 cs min


                          Just swap out the Linkens and the Desolator for a BKB and Abyssal and then it's a fairly legit build, altough the Radiance Octarine is mostly superior.

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                            u can go radi armlet abysal silver ac
                            its stronest alch and can get those items in 30 min ez


                              1. is that a good build? no it's fucking awful
                              2. can it work? yes
                              3. should you do it? i don't care,

                              if crystal maiden armlet rush wins you games, then spam cm.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Just swap out the Linkens and the Desolator for a BKB and Abyssal and then it's a fairly legit build, altough the Radiance Octarine is mostly more meta.

                                Fixed it for you. Fighting alch build is quite amazing actually, people underestimate him. Manta actually is very shitty on alch in my opinion and only works well cus of the synergy with radiance and tons and tons of farm. Then you must add oct to reduce the cd plus your ult cd.

                                But on alch with his farm speed you can have phase boots, basher, armlet, maelstrom by like 18 mins. Who can fight into that? Not many heroes. Add a bkb and abyssal, finish mjollnir and you have a very potent alch.