General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me... please MMR

Help me... please MMR in General Discussion

    hello, you can say me that I can do to stay in the higth skill ... as you can see my games won whith a lot kills ... my KDA 2.97 and my win rate is 60%
    and you can calculate how many MMR I have


      2.97 kda is bad lul


        How much I need the kda ?


          NS smurf NS smurf


            Why do u care idiot?


              2.97 kda is godamn AWFUL

              back before my calibration time i think i had 5-7 kda


                Looking at your games. I'd say somewhere around 1.2-1.5k mmr. Not even 2k. Come on kid. If you have about the same number of games as me and moved from Dota 1, and you're worried about MMR before you can even play rank with the way that you are playing, I'd do one of 2 things if not both.

                1. Quit Dota.
                2. Move to LoL.


                  Be ur self and know where u belong


                    Be ur self and know where u belong