General Discussion

General Discussionseeking a help(matchmaking, brackets)

seeking a help(matchmaking, brackets) in General Discussion

    Hello guys, I was "forced" to create a smurf due to being stacked in the low 2k waters..
    It is very tough to go through 20 games (with no chat) without any brain damage, I warn you, think twice before you do that.
    Now I managed kinda alright winrate etc. but still being paired with kinda lots of low players. I know it is because of my K/D ratio, which is low, as I am always trying to pick the hero we need, which is usually a supp.
    Have you guys have any advice how to get paired with people 3k+ (read HS and above) to minimalize the chances of someone leaving the game after 5 min because he died twice, or even better after 40 min lets say with Tusk, because he can't do anything on his own anymore, etc. I am sure you know those stories, there is no need to bring examples.
    Thank you!


      just keep winning and you'll move up don't overcomplicate these things with sob stories!!

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        why no smoke


          Tally: I am very afraid that it is not possible to keep this winrate with teams that don't play like one. There is always atleast one killhunter, one farmer, one person with no clue about minimap. Altogether, not really a team, is it.

          Blyatseeker: I actually should try to convince myself to do it more often, but it is insanely hard to get at least 2 other heroes next to you, to trigger it :-)


            When I started Dota I calibrated as fast as I could and I got calibrated at 1.6K mmr. Then I played a few ranked matches but I wasnt doing so well either and I moved to unranked queue and played unranked only.

            I regret making this choice, because since that day I had 2200 unranked matches. I now get matched with 3.8 -5k people on unranked matches.

            I'd advice you to grit your teeth and get to it! Pick a Hero YOU have a high Game impact with, preferrably a core role. Use your mic and be nice. That worked for me.

            I gained roughly 2000 MMR in solo queue and 800MMR in party in 440 ranked matches and I got like 210 commends. Positive attitude is a requirement, dont play when you are tilted. Also play "Demo hero" and overthrow before you start to play after a longer period..


              its been said before a thousand times but if you truly are better on average than people that you play with, then you will be the differentiating factor in enough games for you to gradually move up in skill level in the games you play

              only two factors really
              - the better you are relative to everyone else, the more you'll be able to outplay your opponents
              - the better your attitude, the more you'll be able to influence others to working towards a win


                dont expect it to change even if you get into very high skill bracket, you will still experience the same 5 carry, alch/tinker first pick mid bullshit. you are not gonna like what I say, but you are in the skill bracket you ought to be if you created a new acct and it still put you normal skill. I promise you getting to high skill wont change the quality of your games drafts. I think it will only get better when you get to a point where you can calibrate, then people will take it more seriously. Remember you are the only consistant thing in your games, you have 4 teamates and there are 5 team mates in the other team. So if u make sure that you never flame, never play poorly, always motivate rather than moan. then statistically the 5 players and the other team have a higher chance of throwing the game due to negativity or poor play as they have 5 players capable and your team will only have 4. over time you will go up this way. PMA my friend.

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                  2k games are so ez
                  o lerned tinker there and boosted to 3500 ez
                  its just u must git gud


                    Thanks everyone that brought something sophisticated. Did not expect much, but there we go, actually nice community over here, might purchase the premium just to stand out and say thank you.

                    To the Wintersun's post- Let's say I pick a core that I am good with. 7/10 there is no supp. That is about the attitude of others, there is no need to go deeper, so I bring you my big weakness instead, which can happen quite often in those games when I am "the only reliable core". I manage to snowball, bring myself to a good score, nice items, etc. And then I join the team fights and everything is gone and my inventory becomes stuck. Might be sometimes my fault, sometimes not a full commitment of my mates, but I don't like that struggle. That's why I actually don't mind playing the supp role most of the times. I confess, I need to work on this! And Let's not talk about the item choice, when you are 1 useful item ahead :-) And to the rest of your post, well played, sir!

                    Tally- nothing to add, but I swear I always try hard before I give up!

                    PMA- Same old song and dance :P I know I might not deserve HS yet, especially due to the KD ratio. But where is the border to get there, how many games with this winrate do I need to proceed.. The rest of your comment, I must agree with, nicely said.


                      There is a magic button that keeps me calm alot of times


                        I don't want to just create another thread, as it his very similar to one I opened- so hopefully someone notices.

                        How many games does it roughly take to use mainly the winrate for matchmaking? As I really start to be fed up.
                        Still over 70%, but I just feel I got lucky every single game, because the team I got is always about 2k strength. I remember what Wintersun said about picking the core, but I just can't play in 5 core team, you know the feeling.

                        I even started to "filter" games on the loading screen, when something really shouts into my ear "Don't play with these people!!! "
                        God will send me to hell for that :-)

                        Thanks for every valuable response!


                          Get back to your main account, and climb it up. There's no point in playing smurf just to reach a higher MMR that you may not deserve.

                          BTW calibration considers way more criteria than merelstats.

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                            this acc of yours will be calibrated at 2k as well so u gonna face the same problem


                              TripleSteal- if that is a troll comment, well done. If you are serious, then I would have to lose like 8/10 calibrating games. Even though now winrate is not being used to match me up, it is used for sure at the point when you calibrate. You simply just can't calibrate at 2k with over 60% winrate, if you don't lose most of your 10 games.

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                                ur current hidden mmr is in high 2ks, and it will be very hard for you to get HS by the end of ur calbration.
                                win/loss ratio doesnt affect anything during the calibration process, btw.


                                  "You simply just can't calibrate at 2k with over 60% winrate, if you don't lose most of your 10 games."

                                  Yes I can/we can. Because you belong in 2k and you will calibrate in 2k. Even if you calibrate in 3.1-3.2k, you will drop back to 2k.

                                  Anything else? Why are you so delusional, holly shit?


                                    you cn have 90% winrate if you're lucky on a smurf.

                                    if you want to get to HS/VHS then you practice, you need other stats as well

                                    high kda, gpm, bld, xpm etc.

                                    long story short, you need to stomp every game.

                                    and make sure to end early, the earlier the end the better.

                                    p.s winning/losing has nothing to do in calibration.

                                    you can win the game and lose 500 mmr in a match during TBD/calibration, it's how you perform.

                                    and no, winrate before calibration doesn't matter either

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                                      Vertoxity- I will come back to your post when I come back from work, but, I can tell, u r not being fair to me. In your phrase "Why are you so delusional, holly shit?" I can smell a lot of hate directed generally to smurf accounts. Sometimes there is no other way. Peace ^^

                                      M U R D E R

                                        1 question: have you ever played vhs?


                                          @ One Call Away

                                          I don't hate smurfs that wants to get better at this game actually.

                                          What I hate is delusional people, trying to get a high MMR by smurfing and claiming to be 3k, 4k by getting that rating and ruining games in the process.

                                          I was stuck so long in mid to high 3ks, I made a smurf, and when I came back to my main, I got easily to almost 4.4k.

                                          Then again, I was semi-decent at first and I calibrated 4.5k on my smurf, even tho I was aware it wasn't my real rating.

                                          I can tell that if you calibrated @ 1000 points above your MMR you'd say system was holding you down on your main, so that's actually your REAL mmr.

                                          Then I made a new smurf, just to test-out some things, and I was fucking around 80% of the time and still calibrated almost 4.3k:


                                          My point is, if you're decent at this game ,getting to 4k is easy. No excuses.

                                          Oh, and just to ADD, my reasons for making a smurf wasn't to actually get a high MMR, but to actually get better.

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                                            And, btw, sometimes all you can do is hate. So yeah, nothing wrong with it either.


                                              Cookie: I would love to see someone with 90% winrate on reasonable amount of games and not having a clue. They are games when even 1 very bad player is enough :-)

                                              To the calibration stuff- Well, I fail hard at this stats, obviously, as I am the support, most of the times. And if you are sure about what are you saying, I will be proud if I calibrate more than 3k.
                                              But I can see a contradiction in there, you are saying system doesn't care about winrate, but it cares about how long the game goes? That doesn't make much sense.. And, what I have heard specifically about TBD games is, that there is certain amount of points in play every single game. Let's say you are roughly 3k player, if you win 5/10 TBD, you will get 3k. If you win 6, you will get 3.2k. Is that not the truth?

                                              Black. Eyes: I haven't played normal games for ages. On my old account only within the party of friends, usually HS or VHS.

                                              Vertoxity: Everyone has a story, speaking of yours, I am lost what are you actually trying to explain by all those numbers :-)
                                              My reason is simple. I want to play with better players than I did on my old account, because I have an edge on them. And I am not gonna support ppl that I have an edge on, for one year, in completely SENSELESS games, so I can climb to 3k and play with people that know the basics. I don't actually care about the numbers at all. You have got how much you deserve, in the long term. And I don't think of myself I am a bloody masterpiece. I make mistakes, I know some of my weaknesses and I try to work on it. I think that's why are we on dotabuff. To learn. Not to have a shiny number next to our name.
                                              So, I think, our reasons are pretty much same. It is easier to spend 100 hours to get new mmr(and then play with ppl on the same level), than trying a different way. I might be wrong, but I deserve a chance to prove I am not.
                                              And if I won't calibrate 3k by supporting, I can "tryhard" like almost everyone does. But I simply don't want to. I believe in DOTA, I believe in positions. I believe that you should care about the draft and pick the cores carefully. If you don't do these simple things, it is not DOTA and I am not even losing my time where I choose, in the game I want to play and I love.


                                                If u really better than 2k u would be winning in 2k. If u can't win in 2k why do u think u can win 3k games ?


                                                  Why do you even bother making a smurf? why not just raise your mmr in your main account? Let me tell you this, if you still calibrate at 2k mmr with your smurf now, you definitely belong at 2k bracket.
                                                  And here is some advice, don't bother supporting dipshits at 2k since they don't know how to take advantage of the things you do as a support. Go play core, and if you insist playing support yet still have subpar winrate, you are the problem


                                                    Jacked: That question is not any relevant considering everything I wrote and the fact I am usually a support.

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                                                      Considering everything you have said, the fact that you are a support is irrelevant. If you are better than 2k why you can't win in 2k? If u can't win in 2k what makes you think you can win in 3k?


                                                        I'm so triggered by op


                                                          Please answer my questioN OP I would like to know how you rationalize it. I love it when ppl are delusional


                                                            Come and support me and if you're doing a good job I'll take you to 4.5k calibration.


                                                              Renshin: I think I already explained that. I want to play brainy games. And I want it now. Not after 2 years climbing, usually in completely pointless games. If I use your tone, I just don't bother playing with 2k in my team anymore. And I want to carry on playing supps, even though ranking wise it sucks. You said "don't bother supporting" . There we go again, repeating what I wrote already. I don't want to play games without a support in the team. That is not DOTA for me. You don't need to snipe nor challenge my skills here, in chat, that really wasn't point of this topic, at all. On the other hand I know where u heading with your advice, to the original question of this topic. But the system should recognize that person with winrate over 70% should play a bit higher, despite supporting and having stats "like a 2k person trying to carry the game". Nothing more, nothing less.

                                                              Jacked: If you did bother reading everything here, you know the answer. In case you did not and want to know the answer, please do so. Otherwise, you are just being toxic now.

                                                              Malfitty: I don't feel like 4,5k. I estimate myself around 3k. So you wouldn't be happy, the gap is too huge :-)

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                                                                What I see is that u want to play with better ppl without being good yourself.


                                                                  Jacked: In that case you need to open your eyes first.


                                                                    Well You want 3k with no evidence of u being 3k. That's why I ask why u think u can win in 3k if u can't even win in 2k. The usual excuse is ur team is bad. But that usually means u r bad. If u had provided some form of evidence that u can win ur 2k games easily then I'd be more inclined to believe that u should play with ppl who "know the basics". But even ur smurf doesn't even seem close to high skill. So it seems u might be delusional bro

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                                                                      Math Teacher

                                                                        @OP, I know exactly where you're coming from. These people that are commenting, "If you can't win 2k, what makes you think you can win 3k?" just don't understand. We're obviously not Miracle 9k mmr that can carry any and every game 1v9. The thing is with 2k, barely anybody understands what is going on. Usually it's 5 cores on each team, and if there is a support, they're basically worthless because they have no knowledge of the game. i.e. (Creep aggro in lane, Positioning, Item builds, Rotations, Pulling/stacking) You are lucky to have 1 other person on your team that knows remotely what they're doing.
                                                                        I calibrated when I first got the chance 2 years ago when I first started Dota 2 like all the other ignorant players. I regret this. I eventually got fed up with playing 2k dota, and created this account. It took me 6 games to get to HS games and a couple more to get to VHS. What I did was play HC in the safe lane and focus on you, and nobody else. Farm away, and rotate when you think you can help in a fight. If you have to (This is what I did) just start the game off by saying Gl hf in all chat then mute the entire other team. Nothing they can say will be helpful to you, so don't let them say anything.


                                                                          ^see if u had a smurf that gets vhs im more inclined to believe u can handle 3k. but look at OPs smurf. He isn't like you.

                                                                          And if u can play in vhs, u should be able to handle 3k easily, there should be no reason why u can't win your 2k games. How hard is it to understand this simple relationship?

                                                                          I seriously doubt u have trouble in your 2k games. Show us your main in 2k that u are having so much trouble with that u had to create a smurf, and I'll believe that maybe u r somehow retarded in 2k but godly in 3k.

                                                                          Somewhere along the line I'm willing to bet your story doesn't hold up. Even then, your experience is hardly the same as OP because he is still a 2k shit


                                                                            But I can see a contradiction in there, you are saying system doesn't care about winrate, but it cares about how long the game goes? That doesn't make much sense.. And, what I have heard specifically about TBD games is, that there is certain amount of points in play every single game. Let's say you are roughly 3k player, if you win 5/10 TBD, you will get 3k. If you win 6, you will get 3.2k. Is that not the truth?

                                                                            yup, winrate in TBD means nothing, it's all about how you perform. the reason i say you want to stomp and end as soon as possible, it's just because it's mathematically giving you better avg stats, aka you get more mmr. you'll create a giant difference between you and your enemies, aka you kill them and push all their towers down even before they get their items. meaning they can't start to farm, fight or gank without their items, aka they end up with 200 gpm and you end up with 1000 gpm.

                                                                            anyways, i already did a calibration experiment where i calibrated NS accs to VHS


                                                                            that being said, it's not wrong to play to win(you should be doing that), but im saying that it doesn't MATTER if you win/lose during the calib time as long as your personal score is high.

                                                                            also, that being said, i'm pretty sure the stats that i mention are pretty much impossible to replicate unless you're at least 1000 mmr above that, so don't get your hopes up.

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                                                                              Jacked "Well You want 3k with no evidence of u being 3k. That's why I ask why u think u can win in 3k if u can't even win in 2k. The usual excuse is ur team is bad. But that usually means u r bad. If u had provided some form of evidence that u can win ur 2k games easily then I'd be more inclined to believe that u should play with ppl who "know the basics". But even ur smurf doesn't even seem close to high skill. So it seems u might be delusional bro"

                                                                              Ok, there we go, finally at least little bit to work with, even though I can see you only try to put me down. But as you wrote 1 post like a human, I will do so as well. I am not saying I can't win in those 2k waters. And I probably can climb it. But it is extremely difficult to do so with heroes I prefer, mostly supports. And as you probably know, it doesn't make much sense to do so and those games just have no value anyway. And yes, I can beat 3k, thank you for challenging my skills. Leave evidence for the court :-)
                                                                              Another chapter, what is your estimation of where am I close to, based on? U just simply can't compare "Not A Smurf's account and mine, even he gave you this clue in his post.
                                                                              And something to finish it, I just give you a couple of random examples: People I played with don't carry TP's. They don't use them to quickly help you if they actually have one. They can't see a gang on warded minimap. Because they don't bother with minimap. They double team items without checking anything. And Double auras in their own inventory. Can't think of more DotA destructing now, would come with more, but you hopefully get my point.
                                                                              PS: I always play for my team to win and try to do everything I can. As a support, that goes hand in hand with ruining the "so important stats" based on which you judge me.

                                                                              Not A Smurf- Thank you, I knew they are some people that will understand. Just one question for you. What do you do, as a HC when sniper comes to your safe lane and ruins your last hits? And you can't go jungle from lvl 1. And don't tell me that didn't happen. :-))
                                                                              Cookie- Thank you! I can see so much sh*tstorm in the thread u sent me (people are jealous of your skills) but I got your point. I don't have any special hopes, as you explained me everything, I know I would be very happy if I can make it 3k with the stats against the odds, relying just on the most important thing, win the game :-)

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                ^yeah playing in 3k is super fucking easy because you can go ham and nobody will tp to stop you, makes playing TA and storm even easier, especially since mid is much less contested and nobody will block ur camps


                                                                         thats one of my first pudge games ever. Now go and git gud.


                                                                                    Okay. Finally achieved something. Could tell from the 5th minute that it's something "wrong" in my last game compared to the foregoing ones. Really enjoyed it, first high skill hit and won it somehow, Shaker was the factor. Hopefully, the stats would be tolerant and let me continue in that bracket. Feeling so good, man and thanks those who believed in me making it via supping :-) That was the first step.