General Discussion

General DiscussionDealing with storm spirit.

Dealing with storm spirit. in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Why does nobody know how to deal with Storm Spirit.? I mean in the tier around 4.6k - 5.1k It seems like if storm get a little farmed everybody falls against him.


      If storm doesnt have a good team he always gets dumpstred with counter picks

      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

        Are you talking about lanning stage?


          just gank him early, then don't stand in stupid spots to get picked off.

          and you'll be fine


            gank him early.

            pick stuns/silences and hold tps on ur supports and go counter gank him.

            picking carry counters is nice too.

            a good storm can go almost 50-50 vs. an AM but it forces him to play extremely defensively in teamfights or else you just wipe your whole team (and a bad storm is just food)

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              buy linken


                storm spirit is good in pubs cause supports are less active than they should be early game and teams are less coordinated than they should be mid-late game

                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  I mean, I know how to deal with him. My question is about why most of players doesn't know how to deal with him. Once he get farmed nobody knows what to do.


                    i assume people know his weaknesses it's just hard to execute chain stuns and such with poor teamwork

                    casual gamer

                      because people are dumb and also nobody buys hex ever despite it being amazing


                        Storm is a hero 4ks fail to respect, usually in most games you are fine farming sidelanes on your own as long as you aren't across the enemy river even on squishy supports. When a storm is in the game this usually isn't possible without dying but people just play as if this isn't the case and feed kills to storm. If you feed storm unnecessary solo kills you are going to have a bad time.


                          mana void


                            Cuz ppl are greedy and don't want to alter where they r allowed to farm. Fuck that storm who zips from halfway across the map. He shouldn't be able to do that fucking shit hero


                              storm spirit is a broken hero lol


                                sky is also a retarded hero against storm


                                  He zaps Across half map take a Huge load of mana void in face and can watch you Farm next 60 Sec. Seems op.

                                  M U R D E R

                                    idk i managed to kill some 4.6k storm well with a lion so i guess just be active as support early game and focus him in teamfight while he's not super-farmed?

                                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                      Yep, I agree with KR, even if I lose a game with storm, in most of cases enemies can't even touch me. It is a good idea to spam Storm to climb? (acording the situation obviously)
                                      I also watch a lot of quas wex invoker trying to "counter" Storm spirit, but I laugh at them because it's harder to quas wex invoker matchup against SS than quas exort.

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        try safelane storm u'll almost always get a good bs timing and if u don't feed charges early u're very hard to stop

                                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                          I did few times (safe lane storm) . and it works depending on the enemy carry.


                                            The only way to beat that hero if u can't fight storm, is with fast push, just remember this after a big clash srorm can't do anything so storm will b to base what ever mana item he had so use that time to push and b regroup when the storm get his mana back and just keep doing it

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                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              it doesn't matter who the enemy carry is
                                              not more than with mid storm at least

                                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                Yes, it does, because if the match gets 50+ min a position 1 storm can't do shit against late carries. Imagine a matchup against a WK, naga siren, AM, slark, sven, etc, Maybe storm won't die, but either win the game.

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  storm with 30+ charges and bloodthorn is one of the best carries in the game what are u talking about ofc u can deal with those heroes if u don't jump on a 3khp target at the star of a fight

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    and u finish 80% of games ~30 mins because u get 999 bs charges and with aegis u basically have 3 lives


                                                      Yea so actually to win againts storm is based on luck coz storm is one of cumback heroes

                                                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                        If everything goes good yep, you could win in 30 min, but if it doesn't. the enemies cores could buy, Lotus orb, linken's, bkb, and your bloodthorn turns useless against cores. at least you can still kill position 4 or 5. Thats why we don't usually see pro players storm spirit in position 1, not even in pubs. All it depends the matchup that you're dealing with.

                                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                                          Well storm actually the finisher with crazy mobility and really synergy with many item even if enemy got anti storm skill, strom still can kill them by waiting the cd by zip zaping near them and wipe them

                                                          lm ao

                                                            The only reason you safelane storm because it dumpsters a lot of meta offlaners

                                                            lm ao

                                                              Hmm 5 more months till I get the blue trashcan icon


                                                                @doggo i think its 5 more year hahaha jk