General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll Warlord

Troll Warlord in General Discussion
Andre Kairalla

    Hey guys! I need help for playing Troll Warlord

    I like the hero a lot, and have a terrible win rate with him (especially because he was my second hero to learn, and i spammed him without even understandind basic concepts)
    Even with 1,7k+ hours in the game, i'm still very noob, but i can win with almost all heroes (even though i'm a filthy spammer).
    Except Troll Warlord....

    I wanted to know when to pick him, or some tips for some builds/playstile
    Can someone help me?

    Dire Wolf

      Go safe lane, one point in axes, one point in rage, then max fervor. What you max after that is up to you. Build phase boots, aquila, dominator, echo sabre every game, then bkb after those in probably 80% of games. After that get butterfly if they have a ton of right click, mkb if they have dodges, otherwise daedulus. Game should be over by then.

      Andre Kairalla

        Thanks! Gonna try it out and see how it goes


          This guy recovered with troll and stomped after terrible laning phase:
          He pulled out preety amazing stuff. Start making blink on troll like he did.

          casual gamer

            i think dlance is core on troll idk

            Dire Wolf

              I don't agree, troll runs out of slots too quickly to get dragon lance. And if you switch to ranged from its inferior unless chasing and since they removed vision on his whirling axes you won't see targets running away anyway. For example Aquila, phase, dominator, echo or yasha, bkb, tp and you're full. Dragon lance isn't appreciably better than those imo, maybe Aquila if you go echo for mana regen.

              #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                Just get lifesteal asap


                  Phase/aquila/HoD-satanic/BKB/sange&yasha/sb-silver edge/Manta/Abyssal/Daedalus this should be your most go to items in games.
                  Get your Q early since you get good armor If you don't think your enemies have the mental capacity to punish you put some point in E and W you might delay your ulti If you just afk farming and your team has no way to get kills Don't forget to mindlessly switch to melee and ranged you get more chance to bash and rekt.
                  Protip: Don't wait for your creep wave you are the creep wave itself press R melt the tower

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    I smurfed my way to VHS with mid-lane Troll, and as u can see since my main is normal skill, thats saying smthn abt the hero.

                    anyway i wud recommend classic aquilla->phase->HotD->S&Y into stuff of ur choice, silver edge if necessary. and mid lane troll, if u can get the hang of it, is abs OP in normal skill

                    Andre Kairalla

                      Thanks guys! I just played against a morph, and even with a bkb it was hard doing something against him.
                      What can we do against a fed morph? We won the game, but his team was crap, he almost carried alone

                      PS: Edited

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                        Troll echo isnt that good. I go helm sny bkb then a dmg item (mkb or crits) then satanic or skadi or butterfly. The thing is troll has a rlly hard time laning imo unless u have a good disable, so getting sb cud be a good way to pubstomp and get easy ganks/escape since troll lacks that dearly.


                          Troll cant rlly outcarry morph imo u needed to split push earlier with maybe even deso tbh. I think if u got a deso and focused on towers maybe? Not sure u can outrat morph tho...


                            Well you didn't kill him enough in early-mid but still you pushed harder than him so It doesn't matter.
                            And morph is a bit like arc warden completely broken when one knows how to play those dogshit heroes

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                            Dire Wolf

                              Troll comes online sooner than morph, that's how you win.

                              Also echo is that good, have you tried it? You can skip aquila cus you don't need mana, it has nice hp but more importantly opening with two hits means double chances to bash and build up fervor stacks a lot quicker.

                              And abyssal on troll is retarded cus he cannot bash and he doesn't need block or hp regen. Buying it for the active alone is not worth it, too expensive. Before when it has like 80+ dmg it was ok, now it's not.


                                i think troll would be good as a midlaner to compliment drowka

                                idk, haven't played him since forever

                                Dire Wolf

                                  He's good mid in certain matchups, I would hate to play him mid vs like a tinker. But against a lot of mids you can dive them with whilring axes and get kills, harass with ranged form.


                                    ive had a lot of success building shadow blade on him


                                      haha, what is this fear of morphling lol.


                                      Obv, he wil just try to ethereal combo the troll and not man-fight him and isntead be a pesky split pusher that cant be caught. That's a separate problem, and u need team work to beat that but these statements; "Troll cant rlly outcarry morph" and "Troll comes online sooner than morph, that's how you win." and "I just played against a morph, and even with a bkb it was hard doing something against him." make me want to PUKE. Troll rapes all in the late game, if it comes to manfighting

                                      If a morphling is killing you when ur troll it means either

                                      A. ur a noob
                                      B. the morphling has been fed a lot and is snowballing

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                                        @Retired they dont know the potential of the hero bro.
                                        One day they will understand

                                        casual gamer

                                          im pretty sure everyone who is not new remembers the pain of OP troll warlord

                                          a good morphling will kite the shit out of troll, the matchup is decided by play and supports in 5v5 engagements

                                          Andre Kairalla

                                            DID THEY JUST REMODEL TROLL WARLORD???????

                                            A - Noob

                                            Also he never showed in TFs, after tf was done he would use shadow blade, nuke me after bkb was used, and rekt team after i was dead (everyone in the team was frail to nukes)

                                            Anyway, still noob

                                            @Dire Wolf

                                            Gonna try echo on him tonight. Gotta spam new troll warlord *-*

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Retired your words are so full of falsehoods, but being normal skill non ranked (not a dig, just a reality) I can see why that is your view.

                                              Troll plays different in that level because people will just sit there and let you bash them. Actually troll is not the best late game carry, he falls off. Three big reasons, mobility, his whirling axes miss chance, and little burst dmg.

                                              Mobility, he dominates early running around with phase and berserker rage, he's just so fast before supports have any ghost scepters or force staffs or euls and before other carries have their full kit like boots of travels, yashas etc. Mid game his bkb with keep him from getting kited. But late game everyone has some sort of movespeed items and his bkb will be down to 5 seconds. This is actually very similar to sven, but sven's scaling ult and bust dmg means he can blink and get one or two hits in and that's all he needs to accomplish. Troll will get kited to death ultra late. You can go ranged form of course but it's not nearly as good as his bash form.

                                              Whirling axes, that miss chance is what lets him manfight other carries mid game and crush them, but late they'll have mkbs. Troll's fervor takes time to stack and bash chance is slow so you need to make them miss some attacks and then perma bash them. Late game a troll manfighting a jug with abyssal and mkb, Jug has that matchup pretty easily.

                                              And then he has no burst, you need time to stack fervor, so unlike sven and wk and jug who blink in and crit for a ton of dmg troll has to hit a few times. Which isn't a flaw unless he's being kited.

                                              The thing is troll games shouldn't go late. He farms so fast and does so much tower dmg he should have all his slots full, not with ultra end game items, but with a build like phase boots, bkb, echo sabre, dominator, s&y, crystalis, you should end game around 35 mins with that build.


                                                this is my build. work quite well. and i go jungle all the time ;)


                                                  The thing is that troll has no way of killing morph. If he is rlly fucked he can morph strength, but usually waveform + skadi means morph can just stay out of range indefinetley


                                                    Sven is superior in almost all ways. He is tankier, deals more dmg quicker, farms faster, and has a stun. He just cant push as fast

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I don't think sven is superior but troll peaks early and falls off, svens power curve goes up once he gets daedulus.


                                                        Max 1 and 3 as 1 gives u MS