General Discussion

General Discussionnice abuse account

nice abuse account in General Discussion

    yea typical obama


      How the fuck is that??

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          ez abuse, ez kotl


            predict my mmr pls


              @Peeping Tom You are in the middle of 9k-12k mmr, kip up the gud work then 1k will come by itself. Thanks me later


                What is the purpouse of such account besides compendium abuse ?

                Tausug Dota♡

                  ^probably nothing.

                  Besn1q 3.0

                    the purpose of those accounts is simple, to calibrate 6k.


                      why dopeople stillc are about this i thought everyone knew its obvious what is it about lol

                      Besn1q 3.0

                        Apparently not LoL

                        btw, did u actually ever push an account to 8k+? or do you plan on it someday?


                          no because those abuse are party ranked, if you want to abuse solo you need to reformat your computer and its really troublesome

                          Besn1q 3.0

                            Ahhh, 10k party accounts, yeah i saw those.

                            Reformat PC? Why exacly?

                            Tausug Dota♡

                              how the fuck u do this shit.
                              kindly answer it with no lies, Kappa.


                                trade secret sorry fam


                                  wow. never see such things.

                                  BSJ. LGD

                                    Hahaha hi fam


                                      go ptq?


                                        your e-penis is long. lowself esteem guy needed to abuse to get high mmr to show people he is high calibre player. 4head


                                          Very interesting reddit style psycho analysis, except that I just do it for prediction charms and my other spare accounts have similar solo rating

                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                            I heard about charms thing. But.. what is the purpose of this? I mean. you can lie to everyone, its fine, but lying yourself? Poor guy.


                                              lie to myself? about what exactly? those abused ranked games are all party games, and i have other accounts with similar solo mmr idk what the hell are you on about

                                              also heres one solo where the od(3rd player) is 39th on leaderboards (sea) and ta is chibix (15th)


                                              i can post more if you want but if you still think i rigged my solo rating or something you need to get your brain checked

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                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                deez boiz just hatin on streaks j0 4head

                                                bot hard mute

                                                  what exactly is the purpose of this charming things? i just play dota and i'm not interested in cosmetics so i don't really have a clue about it. can someone explain briefly pls?

                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                    @I think, Therefore I rek so you arent placed on the smurf bracket, each steam installed in the pc leaves a "print", thats why some guys that are 2k go smurf and them are put on Very High Skill, in fact they arent very high skill, they were puted on the smurfs bracket, when they calibrate the solo mmr, they will be put back on 2k, even having very high skill on pub games.

                                                    @bot hard you win x games, and them you get a cosmetic, the price isnt that good to sell on the market, its mostly used on betting sites, and trading.

                                                    Besn1q 3.0

                                                      I don't think that's how it works tho.

                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                        There was a guy, thet made a lot of smurfs in this forum, he always would get VHS in the second-third game.
                                                        Them he cleaned his pc, reinstalled windons, he smurfed, and them he was the same shit as his normal profile, NS, he didnt climb, them in his next smurf, he got to the VHS bracket again in like 10 games, valve takes 2 things, gameplay and the steam print, you play like a newbee, you will stay on the NS bracket, until you climb on ranked, if you play like a guy that have at least some knowledge of the game they will put you in the VHS smurf bracket.


                                                          is okay, we know your shit and has to rely to abuse to get to 5k. thats very clear.


                                                            ma bro


                                                              That doesnt make sense.I play in a computer shop and my friends smurfing 4.5 - 5k i got 3 accounts 4.1 3.5 3.2 and some noobshit playing are getting 2k and 1k.Steam Print?Maybe just skill.

                                                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                yea man i cheated to get 5k solo hey look my actual mmr is 1 mmr , posting on my main here :))))))
                                                                guess i paid leaderboard players to feed me mmr too! xD

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                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  1mmr LOL


                                                                    thought that you're guaranteed to have a few brain cells if you get to 5k but apparently not
                                                                    i guess spamming nothing but riki every game has some negative impact on one's grey matter

                                                                    go back to reddit you clowns lmao


                                                                      Sometimes, I dont understand how people are in the same game as me when I see them doing stupid stuff. I am pretty sure there are bought account even around the 3-4k area or accounts that have been passed onto a 'noob'.

                                                                      Anyways, Im too scared to calibrate. Been playing party games with random people on the dota channels in party mmr. I can tilt sometimes so I need to improve on avoiding that. Also need to improve on reminding myself that the people I am playing with have the same mmr as me.


                                                                        @arin 4k shit just stfu.

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