General Discussion

General DiscussionFun high skill capped carries

Fun high skill capped carries in General Discussion

    Any suggestions? One of the things that keeps me playing this game is the excitement of learning high skilled capped heroes and I want to learn more




        Ember spirit. That shit is impossible.

        Mee po?

        Este comentário foi editado

          you can get to 9k(which would technically be skill cap) with any carry

          Besn1q 3.0

            Meepo, invoker and ember.


              kunkka with 4 rapira


                @cookie I didn't ask what hero to spam to get easy MMR


                  When i was 2500 mmr i didnt have no fucking clue about dotabuff videos on youtube twitch(i find out twitch 6 months ago) i just fucking played dota ddint know guides nothing and still i managed to get out of that trash mmr and u still didnt ...what took u so long ?u have guides dotabuff everytzhing
                  u even dont know high skill cap heroes are u need our answer
                  go fuck urself stupid c.unt i hope u never raise more than 2000 mmr stupid shi.t use fukcing brain rettard c.unt fuck u


                    lol no need to be so harsh, some people just want to enjoy the game


                      @salty spoderman guy
                      Check my amount of matches in the past 3 months


                        Not to mention 3/4 of me being online are all my IRL friend using my account to play CSGO because his ID got overwatch banned


                          then you confused skill FLOOR with skill Cap

                          skill floor is the skill required to learn/master a hero

                          skill cap is the highest possible skill obtainable with that hero


                            Ok if ur 250 games of dota in life then u have to learn alot but dotabuff wont help u nothing actually dotabuff dont help any skill cap here


                              Thx for the clarification cookie


                                Morphling, Ember, Druid, Meepo, Slark are all carries which require pretty decent mechanical skill to pull off.


                                  why slark ? xddd


                                    Dark pact timings I think
                                    Rest are braindead


                                      Every hero has DIFFERENT SKILL FLOOR AND SKILL CAP/CEILING. SKILL CAP =/= MMR.

                                      Floor: the minimum amount of skills required to play a hero.

                                      Ceiling: the maximum amount of skill required for perfection.

                                      Meepo : High Floor (pretty difficult to control), High Ceiling (need super micro skill to reach perfection)

                                      AM : Low Floor (ez), Low Ceiling (split push and farm are all you need to reach perfection. Not hard to master.)

                                      Invoker : Lower Middle Floor (meatball combo is easy to learn) / High Ceiling (need to master all ten spells and cast them at the right time to reach perfection)


                                        There are different types of difficulties (named here skillcap skillfloor or whateverdafuckskillyouputhere)

                                        Anti-Mage and Alchemist - farming patterns, knowing when to farm and when to fight.
                                        Morphling and Ember spirit - skillset hard to pull off without experience.
                                        Meepo and LD - micro.

                                        Pick one which u prefer the most and try to master it.

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Windranger, TA, Morph
                                          Any carries with 3 or 4 skills to use (Skill Cap lul)
                                          Edit: Skills with significant craftsmanship & courage to unleash its potential impact woosh

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            Windranger ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy




                                                The more versatile a hero is, the more decisions are available, the harder it is to know which decision will maximize outcomes.

                                                I think earth spirit is a pretty difficult hero to play because of this

                                                casual gamer

                                                  faceless void actually i think

                                                  im a fan of antimage also, think ember spirit is slightly overrated but a ton of people cant play ember correctly so i guess its not so easy

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    someone mentioned sniper, hes extremely fun and can be difficult to play well in a lot of matchups


                                                      AM doesn't have a high mechanical skill bar but to have good success you need to have good decision making and intelligent farming patterns. I'm a bit biased but I think any player who can play AM decently should have success on pretty much any other hard carry without major issues.

                                                      Veridis Quo




                                                          Yea I know am doesn't seem like a difficult hero to play. But if u want difficulty then just first pick am in all your games I guarantee they will be difficult when the entire enemy team try to counter you


                                                            Kunkka attacker style looks pretty fun and could actually take you high if you could reach that skill cap


                                                              Medusa seems to be very hard to play cuz 99/100 ppls i See her playing make me cry.


                                                                Heroes with more units would take more skill technically speaking so meepo, lone, partially morph, naga, arc, terrorblade, chaos knight.
                                                                The thing is that dota isn't really a "more apm, higher win chance" game, but it is about decisions during the game.

                                                                If we gonna argue that the heroes with lower winrate demand higher players to win with it, that would be your target pool so basicly something like Brood, PL etc.

                                                                Play what you like dude or random every game and play what you get.


                                                                  I think worth a mention is Jugg

                                                                  Low skill floor and high skill ceiling


                                                                    You can kinda see what carries take a lot of skill by looking at what ones comparatively have the best winrate at 5k+
                                                                    Stuff like ember, clinkz, meepo, tiny, arc warden etc.


                                                                      Might start practicing ember and morph, thanks guys


                                                                        How can you call cheap heroes like morph and arc warden high skill ceiling?


                                                                          Morph high skill XD


                                                                            arc warden high skill 4HEAD


                                                                              Just play Single draft to try new heros, no1 there will play their Hero perfrect and you will find a Hero that is fun for you(like that i found my Heros when i was new in dota)

                                                                              M U R D E R

                                                                                wraith king, necrophos, drow ranger

                                                                                yung griphook

                                                                                  get a rampage with rubick