General Discussion

General Discussionwhats wrong with all random

whats wrong with all random in General Discussion

    on india server bots are spread like cancer. One thing i notcied by following their matcehs is they seem to behaving VHS with horrible kda gpm xpm and 0 skills. i met one team

    i followed their acc and see their matcehs all in vhs. probably they will be sold and screw the whole caliberation system
    shouldnt valve do something?
    this destroys the game for those who want to enjoy playing dota.

    check these other matches


      Well its all random
      Nobody plays that shit nigga

      rice cake

        How can bots be in VHS?

        Este comentário foi editado

          probably leveling or prediction abuse bots


            well all random can be fun. for those who play dota because its just a game and like to try new stuff all random is just another option.
            but thats not the only problem. it completely ruins matches
            btw my question is how are they getting vhs with such bad stats and game play and basically everything? Isnt this a loophole in the system that needs to be fixed. They will probably be sold and then caliberated at 4k around. those who will buy will ruin the game for people who worked hard to get there.
            what i noticed in that match is they just stand all 5 in mid with auto attack on.


              @cookie what is prediction abuse?

              rice cake

                if indian can make bots in vhs. then they produce better A.I then the people at volvo dotka (i.e the unfair bot).


                  I keep on randoming all the time, even in ranked games, except maybe if I see a spammer in the enemie team, then I will probably pick this hero if the hero doesn't get banned with the nomination.

                  I couldn't play the same hero all over again, yet I keep on randoming the same heroes(10-15) for some reason.


                    oh i see. damn those cheats