General Discussion

General Discussion best Od build ever

best Od build ever in General Discussion

    Arcane boots into foking silver edge travels bois u heard it here first. I'm not trolling, just use that neocortex of urs to figure out why it's good k bye ur welcome.


      1. you don't need arcanes
      2. silveredge is a very costy item that only serves as a fighting item, the stats aren't efficient enough for farming by itself. it can work in some scenarios, but not as a core item.
      3. what happens to the arcanes when you get travels?

      BSJ. LGD

        Arcanes so u can perma auto cast ur shitty orb and perma spam ur shitty spells to farm. If u actually played Od, u would know u can't sustain , silver edge travels for the ultimate map pressure pick off potential like slork and u actually damage towers congrats and u are fairly foking tanky then the shitty mana booster u turn into octo core or just leave it who cares the possibilities are endless u can do whatever the fuk u want, just that the core items I mentioned can be gotten rather quickly before 20 mins. Also this is for safe lane Od not that mid bullshit

        Este comentário foi editado

          either troll or just retarded


            It's a retarded build but we have to take take responsibility for it

            BSJ. LGD

              Lol fuk u, ur the retarded build. just try it and ull know


                Astral build actually fun to play


                  Even 1272 mmr says that u r retarded. Wake up ur mind


                    i go veil first item sometimes
                    i was playing blink silver with OD and was good ucant say its not but was playing on lower bracket


                      Bkb is all you need. Consider albo rod of atos, dagger, force staff into blessed huricane pike and veil ofc


                        If this build works I will be taking responsibility for that.


                          9% from 250 mana = 22.5 extra pure damage per hit of Arcane Orb.

                          Not bad.

                          yung griphook

                            i feel like bottle is more cost efficient and just as if not more effective than arcanes, especially if youre going BOT's anyway...

                            Vem Comigo

                              Arcanes on od what the fuck did i just read, maybe the silver edge, but its better to get a linkens or a shep stick.
                              Why no SilverEdge, because it doent give you much, the invis can be countered, it doesnt give you any defencive bonuses.
                              If you get atos, you have infinite mana, with lvl4 passive.


                                Why not dagon guiseee