General Discussion

General DiscussionPA purge's build

PA purge's build in General Discussion

    i've been trying PA the way purge build it , starting tango , ring of protection , salve , stout , then going for basilus , phase boots , aquila , vanguard & its fucking terrible IMHO , yes you can team fight early , yes you get desolator faster to start one shotting stuff , but check my last games with PA when i start doing his build , i used to have 75% winrate with bfury spam PA ( even mid i tend to go bfury 12 min it help push waves & clear camp fasters to be able to team fight more if this make any sense to you ) & the thing with bfury PA is its gonna pay for itself very quickly if you kno how to farm , i usually have bfury + vlads + desolator by 25 min , whereas when i build vang aquilla i get desolator by 18 or 20 min depends so its not rlly a big deal.

    Anyway the last games i tried this build felt so close , & that i could have lost at any moment , when i was building bfury almost every game was a stomp & only time i lost was when my bfury was delayed or i couldnt build it & just build vlads instead & started to team fight because i was zoned hard in lane , which didn't happen often as i had 75% winrate.

    What are your thoughts on purge build vs bfury ?, ik alot of kids like to hate on bfury since Ti6 and QO's PA , but i've seen miracle build battlefury alot of times & i dont think its a bad item for her.


      Below 4k u should always go for bf. Deso vang/vlads works better on higher brackets where people are willing to end the game faster, cos your item build shines in the mid game.

      Bf is quite useless (ofc not always) on higher bracket since your aim is to shut down enemy cores as soon as possible so that they dont build items that counters u fast enough. Eg. slark has on avg. 18 min silver edge with pt + aquila. U would have probably PT + aquila + bf + maybe Hotd by this time, what makes u a creep.

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        You (not me) wouldn't be able farm a bf that fast in his mmr range.


          @Lex yep man thats what i think too nobody ever want to end fast :( & if i dont build bfury enemy carry will eventually outfarm me

          M U R D E R

            well, the deso vg/vlads build lets you snowball better. and it probably is better to farm heroes than to farm creeps

            however min 20 bf deso is good i think

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              ^ i clearly said sometimes bf build get shutdown if i have a terrible lane , no need to act smart