General Discussion

General DiscussionHow and Where and what could I have done better

How and Where and what could I have done better in General Discussion

    Hey Guys,
    Could some one take a look at this and let me know where and how I could have won this.


      Slow farming, bfury late by 3 - 4 mins. Under 10 cs/minute. Useless hotd purchase.

      Jugg's not even that great here. Sven is better. PA, spectre, whatever fits in.

      Also you coulda went early fighting build not farm.


        Thanks mate, will definitely try to farm faster .


          linkens for meepo blink hex

          Mode adiman

            get bkb


              Does Juggs healing ward not count for Hero Healing on Dotabuff? Because you don't have any hero healing. Also I think the current skillbuild is to max spin by 7.


                hwaling ward doesnt count


                  @as low and @Vanqu1sh , true that I need a bkb or a likens but that wouldn't have done good. It's not that I died to them a lot of I was not able to counter them, they had a split push of meepo and anti mage (top to bot and vice versa) . Also I feel putting a bkb on a jugger doesn't suit him well cause we have the spin and slash to take the enemy down before they attack .

                  @Maverick I don't think healing ward counts.
                  Yes maxing spin is the current build, I went for stats so that i could afk farm in jungle.


                    Thing about 3k is you can find kill potential ez.. I don't see why you'd afk farm in 3k. You should tp to other lanes, get kills, push, and still get at least 15 min bfury/phase/aquila despite lots of fighting. Also since am was solo off you clearly had lots of space to get a lot done--they have a jungler and an am solo off, you could go to another lane and start pushing 9 mins in etc.

                    Max spin, it's even helpful defensively since the cd decreases along with the mana cost--you can farm a creep wave really fast with it and jungle, get kills early. Your max stats build got you slower farm than I get vs 5k's.

                    Man your skill build is really bad. You got max healing ward min 21, it should be maxed by 10. You can push reallly easily.

                    And again, hotd purchase was realy bad. It doesn't work out on jugg, healing ward is your hotd. Also you needed a blink and possibly a diffusal.


                      @aaron , thanks for that man. Yeah I will change the skill build max fury and ward. And as per the farm yeah you are right I need to farm efficiently .
                      I generally play a bit passive and may be that is where I am going wrong. Hotd was just a wrong item i generally dont make life steal on jug as you said ward > life steal for him.

                      Should I also max that critical strike on him or go for stats instead of that ? What do you say .

                      And I'm not in 3k man I am a mere 1.5k guy

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      casual gamer

                        stats > lvl 2,3,4 crit


                          @JDF8 got it. Will try this skill build, is there anything else you personally think I should have done better ? Also if you don't mind can you tell me you're build for such a match

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            dont write off bkb as a potential item for jugg. by all means this item isnt core on jugg like it is on sf, however its still important. yes you have have built in magic immunity, but you know whats the biggest drawback? yeah thats right you get silenced and normally cant attack while spinning

                            bkb offers jugg a way to be magic immune but still attack. youd ask why this is important if your own q gives magic immunity AND damages ppl in an aoe while still applying attack modifiers. but the question is, does bladefury dmg scale into the lategame?

                            so this is the typical scenario youd get a bkb on jugg: game is close af. if youre ahead by far you wouldnt need a bkb. if theyre ahead by far i dont think bkb would do you much good since their carries will start to come online and just ANALiate you. if thats the case go for dr lmao

                            its either you cant quite break hg or they cant break yours. most of the time this would mean 40min mark, where their carries can actually start doing shit and ppl dont get one shotted by by your omnislash anymore. this will also mean youve got about 3-4 core/luxury items already. if so consider that bkb so you can actually use those items while spell immune. thats juggs main handicap tbh, once people get tanky enough his q is barely a skill anymore, can only use it to clear creepwaves


                              You were in a 3k match, hence the high skill tag. You did quite well for the 2k mmr difference.


                                Funny though, 3ks got kinda rekt by a 1k. Goes to show how bad 3ks are.


                                  @Hisroshima, yeah you are right BKB can be useful, but to counter silence from orchid or global we can go for a manta. But yeah in other cases like facing OD or invoker or even Huskar in some cases a BKB can be useful. Yeah true Once jugg gets good tank his blade fury is more of an escape rather than an attack.

                                  @Aaron ah I see. Sometimes I just get lucky I guess, got a rampage in this match, what do you say about it


                                    Slow farm
                                    HoTD was bad
                                    Linken or BKB would've been better
                                    Rest seems fine, you do quite well considering you're NS and played against some HS people, but still, "quite well" isn't enough to win the game :(
                                    I had A LOT of games where I'm the only one that holds the game further and still manages to lose, sometimes you're just not good enough :(


                                      The second game that you post seems ok, but still lack of LH, 200 in 40 min is VERY BAD (I can understand tho, its a HS match where farm is relatively contested)
                                      Bfly was questionable, I would've went for abyssal first
                                      Slark is an annoying piece of shit and so is timber

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        @bws, thanks for the pump mate. Yeah I try my best, The second game was a bit hard to farm I had early deaths like 3 times within 2 min so that slowed my farm a lot. I did have my basher and abysall on the crow since I was close to their shop I finished the butter, generally I go purge or manta then basher and finally a butterfly. You know how the team will be some one steals courier, some one just rush for the throne, stuff like that


                                          Well good luck and have fun mate
                                          I'm also still trying to improve my juggy, feels like it still needs some polishing


                                            @bws good luck to you also


                                              I definitely see potential in you, I can feel it. But you got lucky that slark is really bad or you wouldn't win. You got weird items and farmed badly. 5 cs/min should be 8 - 11 at least with bfury in low mmr, 8 is low end if you're e.g. getting lots of kills, and thus trading cs for farm but good farming can STILL net you 10 - 11 cs if you're fighting a lot.

                                              Remember, low mmr matches are typically won because the enemy is significantly bad, but the other team was slightly less significantly bad, and got lucky like you to get 13 ez kills. Without those ez kills, you'd lose. Without pudge, you'd lose. So basically maximizing efficiency = higher winrate.


                                                @aaron, it makes lot of sense when you say about the farm and I see where I make that mistake.
                                                Thanks a lot mate will definitely keep it in mind and thats for the pump, cheers

                                                casual gamer

                                                  you can use diffusal to un-orchid yourself and de sheep whoever is getting meepoed, i wouldve gotten it pre-manta because it's huge damage and keeps you from getting kited


                                                    Makes sense now that you mention the dual advantage or de sheep, i use manta to break orchid silence, instead of purging so I went for that., thanks for the tip


                                                      Naruto had the worst ending possible


                                                        Hmmm , true that