General Discussion

General DiscussionWill Calibrate you at 4k

Will Calibrate you at 4k in General Discussion
Besn1q 3.0

    1k sure is hard

    You had to find a match you played 1 week ago. How adorable.

    My Last match:

    so ya, 2k/3k shitter.

    Este comentário foi editado

      first lets talk about this :)

      Im so Cute

        Can you calibrate me to 6k? Hahahahah ah


          Lmao. I'm just sitting here with my popcorn.

          Besn1q 3.0

            I can't believe you just wrote that.

            Besn1q 3.0

              I play on this account since this match:

              It should be very apparent due to huge skill increase and more importantly, not playing on SEA. Somehow ur limited 2k brain didn't really noticed.


                right nice lie, cause if you look back you will see before that a ton of plays on europe west and east where you were perfoming the same, so no thats not when you started on that acc lul

                Besn1q 3.0

                  yeah "nice lie", it's more believable that i moved from SEA to EU and my skill went from 1k to 7k


                  Besn1q 3.0

                    Get a grip you retard.
                    I know a 2k shit like you has a hard time understanding this, but it's not luck that i have 100% ranked winrate since i got this account. Everyone with a human brain is easily able to see that you are nothing but a little retard that pretends to be 6k+.


                      @jacked, i'm already at my second serving of popcorn

                      Besn1q 3.0

                        Cookie, you owe me a set


                          At this point, I don't know who is telling the truth. We need a showdown or some third party to chime in on their duel.


                            a set of what?


                              Eu smurf seems more legit than na smurf


                                I said this earlier and will say it again:

                                #ClimbforHarambe takes 3K-4K MMR accounts and brings them down to <2K. This balances the effect of low MMR accs getting boosted to higher bracket.

                                Besn1q 3.0

                                  Just a set, remember the guy who won 1v1 as SF against your SK after a couple of tries and router restart? :D

                                  Yes, that's me.

                                  And before you might ask, yes i finally got new internet connection and router. #nolaggaming


                                    i can't recall that, that challenge was like 5 months ago, also if i recall no one got 2nd tries unless he was an actual challenge for me. and i'm pretty sure i gave the winner a set instantly

                                    cang o beng

                                      50 smurfs account ? Give me 1 i play it

                                      Besn1q 3.0

                                        Yeah, it was a long ass time ago.

                                        I'm pretty sure i even made a screenshot with my highping and send it to you. I think I still have the screen on my broken laptops harddrive. Also the reason you didn't give me a set that day was because you didn't have any I needed. ;3

                                        Hell you even told me it's impossible to win as SF against your SK and i was so eager about winning as SF against your SK. I think a combo of me being somewhat of a challegende and insisting that i can win with SF against your SK made you play like 3 matches.

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          yeah I am not 6k+ I said I was 4k, I started playing in december of 2014. I've played about 1300 games total of dota 2,

                                          either way even if I was 2k wouldn't bother me, I am already self employed, just continue to increase my skill in my free time outside of my business.

                                          Besn1q 3.0

                                            Not even 4k is that awful.

                                            Show us your 4k account.


                                              fight fight fight, kappa

                                              Besn1q 3.0

                                                Cookie pls :(

                                                Account that you gave away:

                                                You make me sad :(

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  help me calibrate dude. i got hs n i want get 4k mmr


                                                    #ClimbforHarambe takes 3K-4K MMR accounts and brings them down to <2K. This balances the effect of low MMR accs getting boosted to higher bracket.


                                                      problem is, i can't recall anyone who went multiple 1v1s without actually giving up on the contest(1v1s for fun), and even if that wasn't the case you should've reminded me before i moved accs. the sets were only giftable, they're locked on my other acc now.

                                                      i could start a new 1v1 contest in the future if you want, and you get another chance.

                                                      Besn1q 3.0

                                                        @All in MY FANTASY, give me something that I want and I'll do it.


                                                          as long as the people who got their accounts calibrated dont play rank until they get better, i see no problem with this

                                                          Besn1q 3.0

                                                            agreed. For all i care they can have 10k, as long they don't play Dx

                                                            Besn1q 3.0

                                                              When are you gonna play on that account, I want to see you fail.

                                                              Full Давай

                                                                And I thought murican presidential debate was retarded.


                                                                  why are you guys comparing your stats in normal skill bracket? who gives a fuck what you did

                                                                  Besn1q 3.0

                                                                    because he states that he is 4k and still loses in 1k games ROFL


                                                                      I am not sure whether this guy can smurf accounts or not, judging by how much he plays on this 1k account, like 6 games a day every day, i dont know when he is supposed to have spent this 80 hours "working" this last week, but my point is this, comparing your stats in normal skill is like comparing ur dick size in an all girls school


                                                                        like for example you have a 92% winrate at normal skill this past month, that should tell you something, to be fair though, the fact he has 58% winrate this month on normal skill says a lot

                                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                                        Besn1q 3.0

                                                                          Exacly my point, also since i played on this account its 100% actually (except for the TA abandon).

                                                                          And this dogshit has like barely 60% in 1k and claims to be 4k. Yeah right, my dick can fucking talk.