General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve my gameplay?

How to improve my gameplay? in General Discussion

    Hey guys, just looking for some constructive criticism on my performance this game (shown below):

    I wasn't really doing well this game. Though not exactly sure what went wrong, but I couldn't seem to join fights/ rotate and farm efficiently this game. Was really hoping someone could point out what i can do to improve.

    Thx a lot.


      Your last hits are bad, should be higher, skill build terrible, should max spin, heal, then crit, Item build, why make halberd should have been mkb. Tower damage only 26, this means you probably just farmed whole game and got picked off, instead of helping team push. Overall, bad performance, I suggest reading up builds/guides or just watch someone competent playing jug.

      Este comentário foi editado

        You item got wrong dude for jugger dont farm to long keep in lane get the lasthit,just view my latest ply bacj item.myb help you...


          Always go gank on level 3,stay on lane get a goodtiming spin and ulti..but everything us ur timing in the game


            Try to improve your lh and farm the whole game . If your team is losing, split push and spin+tp out if u are in trouble.if you are winning try to farm on enemy jungle to take away enemy farm so that there is no cumblack. With bf you should be able to double that lh. With alch i got 600 jh on 40 min game. I bet you can get 400 at least. Lower skill player just need to farm as carry


              If you scare died just buy shadow blade for begginer..

              doc joferlyn simp

                my 2 cents

                doc joferlyn simp

                  your build too greedy. between np and tink and pa's own bufry, you wont have anywhere to farm

                  why not opt for a more teamfight oriented build? instead of wasting 4.5k gold for a farming item that wont be of much use considering your highly farm starved team, why not get a diffusal blade for about 2/3rds the price. dont underestimate its purge, seeing as how mirana has an eblade and wr is present on the other team, im willing to bet you were unable to find pickoffs because of that

                  drow silence is also shit

                  heavens halberd is shit on jugg, if you want to tank up get an sny. if youve got the farm go for a hotd into satanic. never get hotd early, youve got enough sustain with your roa + ward for that

                  mkb is not always core, only get it if against a pa or some carry that can get butterflys early. if against sven husk or anyother str or int hc diffu is a better option

                  instead consider bkb in jugg games. avoid buying it early however, only consider it when your right click dmg output exceeds your bladefury + omnislash combo. when that time comes, your bladefury will not allow you to dish out the damage your team needs which means you now have to find magic immunity that will not limit your potential

                  always bring a fucking tp scroll. cant stress how important this shit is. i know jugg is slotstarved bcs there are games that you might want to bring a mango, early blight stone, magic wand/stick, or someshit on top of all your other things. what i like to do is hide a tp scroll in the trees and just swap that shit out if ever the need arises

                  why the fuck would you max crit, more importantly, why go stats instead of bladefury? this isnt stats-mom jugg era. generally build goes like qeqwqqrqwwwreee stats r staaaaaaaaats. you might find cases where max ward over bladefury but that should only for balling games so hard 15 mins into the game you're 5 manning the enemy's tier 3

                  most of all jugg is one of the most flexible heroes in terms of item build imo, never go one dimensional bcs something looks good on paper. jugg might be good with bfury but if you gon get a manta with that its better yo invest in stats to at least benefit your illus. bottom line think all the time and have presence of mind


                    You need dagger to get good