General Discussion

General Discussionhow does a supp player progress from 3k?

how does a supp player progress from 3k? in General Discussion

    I'm a supp player. I enjoy playing supp and being aware of the map, timings and make call for the team... I try to direct my teammates with my microphone and giving advice about builds, plans, smokeganks and whatnot.... I enjoy that role even though 70% of my games i'm broke with a faking jungler 20 min afk... but usaly so is the enemy cuz "fak the neutrals, we gonna kill them all all the time, games are not won on lanes but in carry numbers" or something.
    Everygame I outspend the enemy supps in vison, allways have detection when we push or gank, and deny enemy vison with dewardnig. When I look at carrys I see i'm a better player then they are in decison making and item builds prob even mechanicly. But when I tilt and try to progres in mmr and mark saflane and write "farm plz" I get a blink bkb scepter cm with no vison on map, no utily for team, just sitting behind me liching exp and occasionally dening a creep.... when i ask for a pull I get a 7 creeps wave cuz that will apperntly make creep equilibrum somehow.
    So wtf should i do? I calibrated at 1.6k and getting here was alot of giting natbed and broken nerves but now i'm stuck for 4 months here and whenever I get to 3.2k I get a losing streak and then climb back then fall again. The problem is that I don't feel like I'm progresing as a player and that most of my loses are not even closly my fault. I'm not rly blameshifting here but if you say "pa you need bkb" and get a response "I have manta to dodge" then watch her die chainstunned... FeelsBadMan.
    Should I play greedier? I'm usally lvl 4 my carry lvl 7 and offlaner lvl 5. Should I play snowballers and hope for the best, should i git gud and play mid, should i grow a pair and try to play offlane, should i jungle???


      based on what u said ud be 6k mmr so maybe u should do some self analysis

      Riguma Borusu

        spam omni


          I'm not claiming i should be 6k... if I ever get there i would need to play vs better opponents and get better, but I'm stuck here... I watch my replays and I undrstand I make mistakes, but many of my games are not about mistakes were made, but kinda full reatrd team assamble :)
          Don't like omni that much even though or because I played him alot... to slow to greedy.


            ah yes the classic let me blame my cores while im a useless shithead

            support players are way mroe annoying than core players honesetly id rather have core players pick jungle legion over the kinds of supports i see


              well didn't rly wanted to inflame your rage mister... what I wanted beside some venting is a 4 k supp that will tell me his experience on how he played on my rank maybe some insightfull tip. and when you ask qustions you get answars you didn't rly expect... toxicty is evrywhere so move along plz


                Hi i calibrated from 3.4k and go way up to 4.9k down to current 4.5k for a span of 1 year and 9 months playing DOTA 2.. I'm more focused on supporting in SEA because couriers, wards and supports are optional here.. Well i'm playing mid (average) off (good) and carry (sucks) also.

                I learned all of this in supporting:
                First - learn where and when to put wards (obs and sentry) according to your heroes and of course play style
                Second - learn to gank effectively (smokes and being sneaky); gank only if ur hero reached the optimum level (for ex. lion can gank level 2 for best results, ES can gank at level 1, rubick at level 1 or 2, disrupt i can say lvl 5 or 6 to be effective)
                Third - bring TP always to save cores! or to initiate team-fights!
                Fourth - U should be level 6 at 10 minute mark!
                Fifth - pick support that can play well with ur lineup or can counter enemy heroes (for ex. disruptor is good if enemy is ember, furion, io, sometimes meepo, all heroes that rely much too much on positioning)

                Most important - Watch pro games and/or review your games

                M U R D E R

                  oh please kitrak dont tell me that even shadow blade aghs juggernaut is better than somewhat bad supports


                    supports at all mmrs are the same theyre annoying bad and clueless

                    i guarantee u a 3k mmr support could pick the same heros in 6k mmr and not lose any mmr


                      therse nobody i hate more than supportp layers actually because what theyre doing is some stupid perversion of the role and they do everything wrong

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                      M U R D E R

                        you're right there, i was climbing a 4k account at the point when i was playing only supports


                          Don't support 3k monkeys


                            Support has lesser impact than carry. This is a fact. They are called carry for a reason.

                            You can either mid/carry until you reach your MMR (Juice) or Support superbly to reach your ideal MMR (Radiofoot) or just deal with it. This is how the game played.

                            P.S: Able to survive in higher MMR with support doesn't mean you belong there. You might just be carried.


                              go support, in 2k-3k trash the skill to farm is almost same for every core. but the skills to supporting is way different, if you are really good with supports. then go supports. lately i go first pick kunkka on all time, because of the versatility to being mid or support.

                              when going mid as kunkka i usually can end fast, or stall the game wait for comeback. or i play agressively as support with torrent x mark combo at lvl 2, which is damn hard to counter for any mid on this bracket. you will easily 2v1 mid and get kills because their support never tp to mid. and help cores.


                                I think, you can improve your skillbuilds. E.g. take Glaives for Silencer at lvl 1, take Degen Aura for Omni at lvl 1 or not take it at all, try 4-1-2 build at lvl 7 for CM, etc...

                                P.S. When I was climbing, Lich carried me all the way to 4k.

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                                M U R D E R

                                  P.S: Able to survive in higher MMR with support doesn't mean you belong there. You might just be carried.

                                  Well yeah, if you support well, your carry will wreck, so that happens... You just (help) create good conditions for them to prosper. But you cant really climb from 3k to 4-5k if you can only support - at least not as efficiently as if you play carry heroes...

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                                  M U R D E R

                                    If you can see clearly that all your teammates are inferior, you should just make a new smurf account (change your cpu name to reset starting hidden mmr (only hypothesis))


                                      I climb to 4k by playing support only.


                                        thx guys.
                                        @SoulTrap intersting skill builds. will follow the cm one cuz usaly I go 1/3/2/1 by lvl 7 and feel like I don't do shit beside giving mana and eating jungle creeps while I move... thought better lockdown = better ganking.. will try it.
                                        But omni degen aura lvl 1 and silencer glavies... I see sing playing omni maxing out aura going phase boots orb of venom, but I thought he's just being sing.And silencer curese slows the target and you can right click him more offten, nuke is also a nice thing since glavies need lvl to be efficient and at start your int sucks cuz you have no items. somtimes I don't comit to slow and nukes but only if they have purges or mgc resistance heros. also when I lane agiast glaive silencers I think to myself ez lane.
                                        if there are any other skill builds i do wrong I'd rly like to know what and why to build.. eager to learn eager to progress :)


                                          If you just rightclick the offlaner - you will make all nearby creeps to attack you. But if you use Glaives, creeps will ignore what you doing.

                                          I didn't say to MAX Degen Aura. Just sometimes it's good to put 1 point into it at lvl 1, to let you trade hits with offlaner more efficiently. Otherwise I don't take Degen Aura at all, +2 to all stats looks better than that.

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                                            will try get degen aura in lvl 1 or 2.. usaly I get it at lvl 4, but never rly need at lvl 2 repel so might give it a try.
                                            Mostly when I zone offlaner I come from behind so I don't take agro and if the offlaner wants to trade I slow and kite him, but sometimes I take agro and fak up the lane eqilibrium... not that my carrys rly try to maintain it;( ... Will try it and see how I like it... btw soultrap you have an account I wish to have... my idol :)