General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to earth spirit

How to earth spirit in General Discussion
roshan killerz

    Just how do you position, remnant placement and etc, literally all es skills are skillshot, gimme some tips on es

    Insert C01n

      You can double tap your remnant hotkey to place it right in front of Kaolin this makes it easier to use your boulder smash effectly. Also it is very strong to get a blink cause u can blink right into a group of enemys then ult and silence them all by using your grip. Another good thing is to buy an Orb of venom early if you plan to roam because you can roam very effectly at lvl 2. Initiate with rolling boulder on your target and then kick them back to your teammates with smash then autoattack and with some smart mates it should be an easy kill. Also try to practice the "smash grip rolling boulder"-combo. Go into demo mode and practice to kick your remnant and pull it right back with grip. Hope this helps :D