General Discussion

General Discussion3k pa spam?

3k pa spam? in General Discussion
roshan killerz

    So guys, everytime i play a ranked match, enemy pick this cancer pa shit and goes mid, kills my mid, get deso vlads, supports too ignorant to try to gank pa cuz of blur and we lost to another pa spammer, any help?


      You go mid and shit on the pa. Pick mid timber and shit on the pa or tinker

      roshan killerz

        What if pinoy trash takes ur mid?

        M U R D E R

          then you support and rape the pa?


            @On a road to higher priority, that doesn't work, at least not for me. I was boosting a 2.9k account, mid and safelane are instantly locked as soon as the picking phase starts.. You tell them I'm boosting and they be like "liar". I came across a Storm who has bottle and hasn't bottled any rune!! Good thing I stacked neutrals for him, then he gets orchid at minute 20..

            Himas Bayabas

              Pick meepo
              Ez mid

              Riguma Borusu

                if you really hate PA that much, pick LC, go jungle, rush blademail, come to her lane to "farm", let her jump you, just kill her then get blink or sb and phase boots and just let her kill herself with her own damage every time, works like a charm

                also if people are giving you shit for picking lc jungle, report one of them and mute all of them because they don't pick heroes that counter PA so you have to (and why would you pick a support in 3k if you want to win is beyond me)

                Este comentário foi editado

                  Play axe or LC too easy to shit on Pa

                  Holy Roman Empire

                    Ogre, Omni, abaddon, dazzle, oracle, SD, pugna are really strong against her as supports. Then axe, timber as offlaners. And as mid like buy stick xD. She can only win lane against melee or low range heroes save TA. Everyone else rapes her by harrass or nukes and dagger cant delete their HP while getting her farm. As carry I think slark, sven, jugg, morph, CK, PL are the hardest to win against as PA.

                    roshan killerz

                      Ty for the response, time to pick pa cancer and spread the word