General Discussion

General DiscussionTIPS ON KUNKKA

TIPS ON KUNKKA in General Discussion
coco crunch

    Gimme some usefull tips


      Start off with not fanboying pro players.

      coco crunch

        Nice tip. How can apply that to kunkka? :)))

        coco crunch

          can I*

          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

            X mark teammaets and yourself to refill bottle and comeback fast. Learn how to use X-mark as much as you can, because is one of the most broken skills in dota.

            Vem Comigo

              With lvl6 you can kill every hero on dota, Maybe not TA because of the shield, you need to win early game, armlet is not necessary but is good.


                which kunkka

                roam supp or mid carry

                coco crunch

                  @赤司征十郎 ® 空 i know that already
                  @Cookie All haha i want to improve my kunkka in all aspects


                    Remember that without a pistol-blade on kunkka u r not kunkka player


                      check my builds its almost same as attacker


                        support you have 2 options:
                        1- lanm build max 1 and 2 with 1 level on x mark and make phase armlet.
                        2- normal support build, phase/mana boots, urn,drums, euls.
                        Late game decide according to situation.

                        carry :
                        1- boots,drums,armlet,deadalus, then go for blink. Get bkb or linkens if there are disable heros on their side.
                        2- skip armlet and drums, go for 2012-13 build rushing shadow blade.

                        N A Y N !

                          @Hook And Roll Tip: actually Kunkka's torrent hard counters TA's Shield... Torrent Damage comes in 8 damage instances, immediately removing TA's shield with just 1torrent..

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Use boat for the buff even if it's gonna hit nothing.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              whatever you do, for fuck's sake, have an early point in x marks the spot even if you are not maxing it out

                              Massive Dynamic

                                As has been said with the above, practice the X torrent combo over and over until you can get it 80-90% of the time. Practice hitting boats and learn to predict where your target will walk to and time it so they get hit. Whenever I play Kunkka, no matter what position by level six I have at least two levels in X and one in torrent. This allows for easy ganks and early snowballing.


                                  Support Kunkka = Build all boots Lol Phase, BOT, Greaves. hitting the boat is very easy. support kunkka just roam and kill anyone with your team. when warding x mark yourself to not die. when pushing High Ground tower 3 SMoke self x mark and place ward high ground. and with proper positioning and cutting some shitty trees you can kill 2 Neutral camps with 1 strike (less effort).

                                  coco crunch

                                    None of your comments are really helpfull :3 You're all commenting about the basics

                                    Massive Dynamic

                                      Then you should have been more specific in your original post. All you asked for were useful tips, you never said that you didn't have the basics down or that you didn't want anyone to give you advice about the basics of the hero. If you wanted tips other than the basics, you should have specified.


                                        Build silver edge more often and get that suprise 250 bonus cleave with tidebringer :)
                                        Want any help ask more anything related to him got 100 games 65% winrate :)

                                        coco crunch

                                          ^Playing kunkka in normal skill is different from playing kunkka in vhs


                                            how do you get vhs as kunkka?

                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                              At lvl7, 1/7/1/1.
                                              At lvl 11, 1/4/4/1.


                                                As support 2-0-4-1 at lvl 7.

                                                Mana boots, mek, drums. Maybe blink or euls

                                                Amazingly good with chrono or titan.

                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                  Xmark , boat , torrent = free kill (x mark level 2 ) lvl 2 xmark is better than maxing your torrent


                                                    2-0-4-1 at lvl 7, for support
                                                    1-4-1-1-at lvl 7 for mid.

                                                    Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                      Since no one gave you this tip.
                                                      When you have Crystalys you can count the hits that don't crit on whoever you attack. Once it reaches around 5-7 hits your next hit is a guaranteed crit, which means you can turn your unluckiness to your advantange. (It gives you a higher chance of critting when you are not critting)
                                                      The same with Daedalus around 4-6 hits.
                                                      This is also why if you noticed, before !Attacker goes for a one hit he farms stuff and calculates the chances.
                                                      Slardar​'s Bash​ has a 25% chance to stun the target. On the first attack, however, it only has an ~8.5% probability to bash. Each subsequent attack without a bash increases the probability by ~8.5%. So on the second attack, the chance is ~17%, on the third it is ~25.5%, etc. After a bash occurs, the probability resets to ~8.5% for the next attack. These probabilities average out so that, over a moderate period of time, Bash procs nearly 25% of the time.

                                                      Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                        Also, ganking at night almost secures a guaranteed kill for a Kunkka player.


                                                          why u need lv 4 x mark on lv 7 kunkka? is that lv 3 x mark is enough? 3-0-3-1. more damage that means enemy will fast dead and you can run before they backup arrive???

                                                          Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                            Probably to ensure a neatly executed kill.
                                                            Besides that to refill your midlaner's/team's bottles everytime you can.
                                                            Making them die faster isn't exactly a clean kill.

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              the rum thing the boat gives is broken lmao, i dont know exactly know how it works but doesnt in stop teammates from dying immediately if bursted down, reduces it by 50%, then gives fraction of the damage all the while it not being lethal

                                                              ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                yes. Rum decrease 50% of damage you received.
                                                                But after 10 sec the 50% will back to you, but non lethal....


                                                                  Dont copy your idol try to learn from watching him and other kunkka player

                                                                  yung griphook

                                                                    i feel like copying misery's style in TI would be more successful in pubs over the long run than attackers syle, bcause people dont pick supports as much, but all you need is an armlet and to use your spells