General Discussion

General DiscussionVery high skill mmr ?

Very high skill mmr ? in General Discussion

    So i started this smurf account where i got more than 10 games of VHS how much mmr will i get and will i remain in this bracket?


      3.7k+ is vhs

      but don't be so happy, 2ks can cheat into VHS on smurfs. so you don't expect anything

      because if you're low mmr, you will drop back there during calibration time

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      Follow @jabawobski

        3.8 vhs , 3.4 hs , 28 normal


          was 3.7k in my main account


            The bad thing is you abandon your last match. You will get hidden mmr drop.


              I calibrated at 3.8 in vhs game. So i think its around 3.7-3.8 starting of vhs. If u play well and maintain in vhs until calibration match then the lowest mmr u can expect is 3.7-3.8.


                "was 3.7k in my main account"

                so why do you need to make a smurf

                Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                  You will probably not stay in VHS, sorry to say that. Checked some of your carry games and it seems that you are hovering around 25-35 LH@10 min which is unacceptable playing a hero like morph and thats even with retarded starting items like quelling on Morphling... Also most of your games are vs other smurfs , so even though they are marked "vhs" I doubt the actually skilllevel in those games surpasses 3k.


                    ^ pretty much this lol.


                      if this guy's main was 3.7k, id be queen elizabeth


                        37.50% winrate with morph on this patch? are you fucking serious

                        Im so Cute

                          Guys.. I'm stuck in High Skill Bracket after LP.. what should I need to do?


                            ^^thats also hurt me bro.

                            Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                              Do you belong there?


                                Pablo u are right i play with most of smurfs where everyone picks carry and its harder to get more than 30 ls by 10 mins

                                Im so Cute

                                  Yes.. my trophy level is already 43..

                                  Im so Cute

                                    So sir Pablo how could I raise it up again to vhs?


                                      what's with these smurfs trying to force mmr

                                      MMR = ability to play with 4 random strangers

                                      it is your solo skill

                                      you can't force solo skill, only gain it.

                                      #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                                        I only play slark


                                          If you suck gaben's dick, I am sure he will be merciful enough to put you in VHS.


                                            yeah vhs is 3.7 to 3.8 i calibrated my this smurf in 3.8k mmr same as main i think valve can trace ur main


                                              Its really not hard to get vhs... or to calibrate at 4k mmr. 4k players make a lot of mistakes. And VHS is polluted with players from other servers who got vhs their or trolls. I always see like radiance treant in vhs games lol.

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