General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed to reduce torrent aoe

Need to reduce torrent aoe in General Discussion

    Dogshit hero too easy thanks.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Nah, he's good


        lmao k k k

        Pale Mannie

          His cast animation is too obvious not to dodge it


            They should reduce elder's titan spirit stomp aoe instead, you're 5 km away from it and you still get stunned.


              Goethe like u can dodge it lil, euls, bkb or die

              M U R D E R

                You didnt mention xmark anywhere before man


                  Bull shit try to land a torrent without x mark evrytime u play then say that NOoB...


                    Pleb x mark is the hero in a nut shell torrent without x mark is easy enough aoe reduction would be somewhat helpful