General Discussion

General DiscussionI Need advise pls help

I Need advise pls help in General Discussion

    Ive benn losing too much ranked games lately. My last match was party with a fellow peenoise and the 3 others were indogs. Pls help. I also forgot to buy a moon shard


      idk ranked is weird shit try play normal games chill then play ranked until u get triggered


        Best advice I can give you, once you lose 2 games in a row in rank, call it a day. Playing while tilted only results in more -25, Just chill and try again tomorow


          Play more of omni :)

          doc joferlyn simp

            when learning new heroes, dont play in ranked mm

            opt for pubs so that even if you lose youll still retain your rating

            also stay PMA and dont give up on heroes youre trying, just play more games and youll be fine


              Practice more
              If your teammates is dogshit so is the enemy
              1v9 the game
              Don't play if you're tilted
              Tilted = not in 1v9 form
              Stay positive in your mentality, make your dogshit team plays better,motivate them and shit
              If it doesn't work and your idiotic teammates still couldn't get off from their shitty ego and still shifts their mistakes to their teammates,just mute them


                2.6 MMR hmm Play Kunkka man, I'm raising my younger brothers MMR (2.4k) and fucking hell it's easy as fuck to kill the enemies. POS 4 kunkka (roam would be the best since you don't want an all carry Team) that's all :)