General Discussion

General DiscussionSome help please

Some help please in General Discussion

    Alright, i am in 2k bracket, and do not mind being an ns player, knowing ill get to 3k soon, then after that move up. That being said the way i get there is what I am having a problem with.
    Many higher skill players claim that the best way is to 1v5 carry your team, however, I get so bored of the game doing that. I like dota as a team game, not a solo experience. I cailbrated this account a long time ago at 1.3k, then it fell too 900 mmr lol. After that i made my first smurf, smurfed for some time and learned a lot, came back to this account and raised it to 2k. The way i did that was 1v5 morph or faceless, but I can not have fun doing that and ruins the expierence for me.
    Recently i got low p and decided to make another smurf to learn more, and see how better players play. I was matched with multiple 5k players, the highest being 5.6 i believe and was able to learn so much on the support/ roaming support side.
    That is a definite way i can have fun with the game still where it does not feel like a solo expierence.
    Now since i am in a lower bracket on this account, some games it is hard to win because I am not the carry, however, I am wondering if i was a better support would it still matter.
    I will usually play pos 5, or 4 with the exception of playing a core position if my team doesnt pick any carrys.
    I try to always let my carrys get the kills, and set up as many killls as i can, while building what my team needs. (Pipe, mek ect.)
    Is there anything else i can do to win more games when my carrys don't farm well, or are not experienced enough, or is it my fault as the support that i did not create room for the carrys.

    In no way am i complaining about my team, but what i bring to the game, i want to be enough to win the game for my team while playing as a pos 4/5

    any tips?
    Thank you all in advanced

    M U R D E R

      some games that you play as support are just not winnable if your carries suck so bad. not just the farm, i mean reaction etc...
      like in a teamfight your carry derp around for 2 seconds, team wiped, gg.

      thats why you should transition your support to a core if you get ahead or if you see your carry is completely unskilled and unreliable, you can start farming when possible and maybe get midas, buy offensive/positioning items, etc..

      like let's say you play witch doctor, you see your carry is an unskilled player and your goal becomes to just try to get in example blink-aghs min 20, instead of making as much space for your carry to farm up, because you know you can rape teh enemy team with aghs ulti, but you can't be sure that your slark will get proper items in time nor can you be sure that if the slark gets items he will do shit with those items.


        Same bro,dont mind in ns bracket, its still more fun for me than spam strongest meta heroes, a like io and will play him even his global WR would be 5%😃


          you can still solo 1v5 win as supports, just to exactly what the 8ks would do

          casual gamer

            almost all games can be won as any pos

            if u think otherwise u are just a garbage dota player tbh

            Boi Danny


              M U R D E R

                ^^ almost is a very loose statement :D

                But you are right, every game can be won as long as your team wants to win.

                Este comentário foi editado
                Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                  Pick supports that can carry late. Medusa, wraith King, warlock, shaman , etc


                    spam omni like slacks, just keep your retarded carries alive, you will win the game

                    Kim Shin

                      The problem is there are so many cancer especially in SEA servers. And some are naturally not born to play because of the skill they have.. whew

                      2k indog monkey

                        Medusa support new meta