General Discussion

General Discussiondoes anyone actually know how smurf detection works?

does anyone actually know how smurf detection works? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    is it IP-based? (aka doesnt work on people with dynamic IP addressing) email linked?

    is it just that ur first few games have big (hidden) mmr swings?

    when i try to make a smurf to play with noob friends it ends up way higher than i want it unless i feed relentlessly for 10+ games in a row, and idk if that even affects my hidden party mmr

    2k indog monkey

      IP based I think
      They wont fuck me up on this ID since I only use it on net cafe for lul games with my cousin


        It is IP based, if your account on the same IP has VHS, your first game will most likely by VHS on your new smurf, likewise for NS and HS

        M U R D E R

          I reintalled my os and got 3-4k players on my first game.before that i usedto get 1-2 k players so i think ypu can bypass this smurf detection thing like that.

          Johnny Rico

            Each steam install has a code, so people cant just copy steam and release a pirate version anymore (we had that), they probably use the code to determine if you are a smurf or not, but there are other things too, like item choices (biggest), and lane presence.